43. Keep My Ripped Heart Close

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"Wow this is.." Seungmin can't find the right words to express himself as he stares at the screen.

"It looks like a weapon." Minho turns his head to the side to look at him but Seungmin's eyes stay on the computer screen, still scanning it. "Seungmin-ah!!" Minho shouts just to attract his attention back on himself.

"Well it depends on how they were planning to use it. This is nano technology actually." He watched the man next to him frown before he takes one more look at the strange words and pictures on the computer screen. "When I was a trainee in the NIS I studied it for a while for fun but looking at this- " He cuts himself off not knowing how to explain his thoughts. "-It's mind blowing." He says finally tearing his eyes away from the overwhelming information to look back toward the attic door that opened. Chan and Manwol walk in quietly, Manwol's hand connected to Chan's as they walk in.

"Fill us in guys. What did we miss??" The girl asks her eyes quickly directing toward the bright screen where everyone seem to have their heads stuck. She pulls Chan with herself as she walks toward it. "What's with the drained faces??" She asks before looking toward the screen herself but can't find even a single thing she can understand. "Umm.. cute??" Her head turns toward Seungmin and Minho waiting for an explanation.

"Don't look at me. I have no idea what this is." Minho holds his hands up in defeat.

"I don't know if I can explain this but I will do my best. What you are looking at is a plan for a future nanotechnology weapon that can cause war or save the planet. The technology to even build this hasn't been developed yet but it's probably going to have potential to be developed in the future. They could have earned millions just from this project." Seungmin says before turning off the folder names MR.RI and turning on the other one. "And here you have all kind of information. Dirt on every political person, presidents, north Korea's military plans and much more. This memory card can easily cause a war just by existing. I don't know how they got this idea or how they found all these information but this is dangerous to just give it off to the wrong person. I know Soojin has all of your information but we can't give her this." Seungmin body tenses up just by speaking about this topic.

"Okey..." Manwol falls deeps into her thoughts trying to find the most logical way to resolve this. She can feel Chan squeeze her hand before hearing him speak behind her.

"What if I meet her and give her a fake memory card. I will ask for an exchange and when she gives me Minho's laptop back I will just run away fast."

"That's too risky though." Manwol's head turns toward him a mix of worry and disapproval on her face.

"That's the only way. It's not like we are in a situation where we can play it safe. This is already out of hand so what can we do other then risk it all." Chan meets her eyes. Her face is just inches away from her yet he doesn't let the determination in his eyes weaken just because of her worried gaze.

"What if you get hurt??" She lowers her tone now feeling him squeeze her hand even harder.

"I'll be fine."

"Then I will come with-"

"Okey you two stop." Minho cuts them off. Can we have an opinion on this as well first??" He asks the annoyance of the situation showing in his voice. Now when he feels everybody's eyes on himself he continuous to speak. "We should leave from here as well if we get back out there. We still don't know who the mole back in the agency was and finding out at this point is pointless but if that person by any chance knows we are here this place is already in danger. We talked about this before but now we really have to leave as soon as possible."

Minho's words take a moment to settle in but after a few seconds Changbin speaks up as well.

"How about this. Chan hyung and Manwol noona take care of getting Minho hyung's laptop back and we will-" a phone ring goes off in the room. Everyone look around confused only to find Seungmin taking his phone out of his pocket and answering with a poker face on.

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