21. Broken Attraction

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He can almost feel it like small parasites eating his brain away.

"Fucking shit." Without even trying to open his eyes he raises up his head and slowly manages to open his heavy eyes. The moment they land on the sleeping girl's face he jumps up in surprise. "Damn it." He closes his eyes again trying to calm down. After a few seconds he collects the energy to open them again and look at her face.

Manwol is laying on her bed. Head on the edge and feet on her pillow. The blanket strangely on her body covering her muffled clothes. From the side of her mouth a small string of saliva is falling down her chin and her calm breath moving her up and down on the bed. Soon after, Chan realizes he is laying on the ground right next to her bed. A pillow under his head and a blanket on top of him but he can't seem to remember how he got them. He remembers they got wasted last night and that is almost everything.

"My head hurts." He says now burying his face into the pillow. "What the fuck.."

"Would you shut up." He heard a tired mumble. "I'm not used to you cursing so much." He turns his face to the side looking at the girl.

"Are you awake??" He asks with a mumble.

"No... I'm widely asleep."

"That makes no sense." Both of them crack on a small smile. Manwol tries to move her body on the bed, but the moment she moves a muscle, a headache shoots up the back of her neck right into the center of her skull.

"What happened last night??" Her question makes him shut his eyes tight together trying to recall any memories from last night, but all that comes to his mind is the the long hours in the street pub where they drank while laughing.

"I have no idea." He says back now both of them letting out a chuckle. In the meantime the group gathers in the living room.

"Where are they by now??" Changbin asks his patience running out. "Today we can go into action with Han and they are sleeping till 1am!!" He complains causing Felix to wrap his hands around him in order to calm him down.

"They came home pretty late though." Hyunjin mumbles but some of the boys still manage to hear him.

"Oh really?? Only them??" Minho asks raising a brow at him. Hyunjin's head immediately shoots up in panic.

"Oh, well-" He looks toward Seungmin but soon after feels his ears heat up as his eyes can't focus on nothing else other then the youngers lips. "I- I couldn't sleep last night, so- so I heard them." He tries not to stutter while talking but fails big time. "That's how." He whispers out looking at the ground earning an awkward look from Changbin while Felix just smirks to himself and gives him a mocking look.

"Yes, he just couldn't sleep. Exactly like Jisung this morning." The moment he says those words Minho shoots him a death glare while Jisung's entire face heats up his eyes not even knowing where to look.

"Anyway, I'm waking them up." Minho gets up and in no time is in front of their door slamming it open. The moment he does that he sees Chan standing up above the bed with his hands under Manwol's armpits trying to lift her up, while she is leaning on him half dead. "What are you two... doing??" The moment they hear Minho's voice both of them turn to him with their half closed eyes. Chan drunkenly swings on his feet and eventually slips off, falling backwards, causing Manwol who is leaning on him to slip forward as well, her face falling down on his chest as both of them slam on the ground. Her feet are still on the bed slowly slipping from the edge as her face buries into Chan's chest both of them letting out a loud growl.

Minho just raises both of his brows and closes his eyes in amuse. "Did you two.... drink?? Again??" He asks waving his hand in front of his nose before turning toward the living room "Changbin-ah!! Help me here!!" He shouts through the hallway.

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