42. The Fool I've Been

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"Manwol noona!!" A child runs toward her. With a wide smile on her face she kneels down spreading her one arm toward it and taking the child in a tight hug.

"Hey little one." She greets the little boy with a smile. "How have you been?? You grew up so much." Chan watches from beside her once again discovering a new side of this woman. Her gentle smile and generous gaze that are directed toward the child show a completely new side of her. While keeping his eyes on her they make eye contact for a brief second, and that is enough for her to give him her wide smile that he just can't get enough of. Manwol continues to talk with the boy that eventually drags her away from now her very first boyfriend.

In a mater of minutes the entire team gathers on the ground floor with Changbin and Felix playing video games with a few teenagers while surprisingly Minho, Han, Seungmin and Hyunjin stay with the younger ones.

Minho is sitting on one of the couches with a little baby in his hands, carefully swinging the baby up and down on his shoulder while laughing at Han, who is trying to calm down an older kid by crying along side with him.

On the other side of the huge room Hyunjin is getting his ass beaten up by a 7 years old girl who is repeatedly hitting him with a barbie toy. Someone would have helped him by now if it wasn't for the scene being way to funny, especially in Seungmin's teary eyes.

Everyone seems to be having a good time while playing around with the kids. Even Jeongin let's his stiff body relax while playing games with pre teens. For a second Chan just watches the kids play around his eyes running from one side of the room to the other before something hits his leg. He looks down only to find a soft ball next to his leg. Soon after a boy runs up to him picking up the ball. His small hands pick up the toy and his head rises up to gaze at the man.

"Sorry." He says surprising Chan with his accent.

"It's ok buddy." The man kneels down looking at the boy's surprised face.

"Oh mister, you can speak English. That's so cool, nobody here can speak English."

"Really?? Then have you been alone this whole time??" The boy nods at his question making Chan pick him up in his arms. "Nobody plays with you??"

"I play with the kids but they always yell at me and I can't understand them. Some of the olders know English but all of them are so mean." Chan just laughs it off before rubbing the boys tummy.

"Then do you want to play with me today??" He asks seeing the boys wide smile right after. They walk off and for almost an hour non of the members don't even bother standing up to look for each other. However a bell rings through the house signalling it's dinner time, so the kids start to clean up the room and space they were using.

The boy Chan was playing with who's name Chan learned not long ago, Henry is now clenching on his arm refusing the leave his side.

"But you have to eat." Chan laughs while picking the boy in his lap.

"But mister you are so nice, you will leave if I go now." Chan just laughs harder at the boys fears.

"Where would I go though?? I sleep in this house too."

"Really, do you not have parents as well." The question knocks the smile off his face for a second but he forces it back on.

"Yeah. I'm like you too." He raises up on his feet griping the boy and lifting him up as well.

"Chan no!!" Someone yells behind him her voice filled with worry. "Why are you carrying him you are still hurt." Manwol hits his healthy shoulder a smile on her face as she takes the image of the man she likes holding a child in his hands and looking like a perfect father figure at that.

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