35. I Am Yellow (PART 2)

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-Sexual assault
-Mention of rape
-Mentions of suicide
-Mentions of anxiety
-Mentions of depression
-Physical abuse
-Mental abuse

NOTE: Please understand that since Felix is Australian they originally speak English in the first two parts of his story. After the team shows up though they speak Korean and whenever English is spoken it will be shown in text like this.


"What are we going to do now?!" Changbin harshly whispers inside Manwol's ear.

"I have no idea. This kid was never a part of my plan."

"Should we kill him??" Minho suggests immediately earning a glare from the two.

"No. We will just trust him."

"That is a bold move boss." Minho's sarcastic tone doesn't help as they return their eyes back on the man who has just returned from the restroom.

"How was the food?? Did you like it??" He asks them with a kind smile on his face.

"It was delicious sir." Manwol speaks for the group once again.

"You know, I've noticed your two partners are always quiet." The man exchangers a look between Minho and Changbin. "Is there a problem??"

"No sir." Manwol quickly answers. "I just don't think they are experienced enough to talk yet. I wouldn't want my most trusted man saying the wrong think in front of someone so important and respected. Even I am still learning and have a long way to go."

"Of course.." The man answers confusing her slightly. He seems rather lost in his thoughts then focused on what she is saying. "But there is nothing wrong to say after all, is there??"

Manwol doesn't say anything. The atmosphere inside the room suddenly starts to suffocate her as she stares at the man's eyes. For a split second she can see the evil radiate out of his eyes like vibrations. His cold gaze sends chills up her spine but he doesn't keep the look in his eyes stay there for a long time, just a moment later he smiles once again and let's the girl take a long wanted breath.

"I'm just joking. Please don't take this old man by every word he says." He tries to ease up the atmosphere by laughing but only manager to make it heavier for the four teens. "I was honoured to serve you with this traditional meal from my country, but now I have to excuse myself. I have some work to finish up. My man will escort your two team mattes back to the hotel while they lead you and Yellow to your staying room for tonight. Please enjoy." Just as the mans turns around Manwol, Minho and Changbin exchange a panicked glance.

"Thank you sir." She doesn't dare to say more, knowing it might trigger the man in front of her to suspect them in any kind of way.

That's how the team soon after finds themselves in complete panic as they are split apart through the hallways. Minho gives Manwol one last look of terror before the hallways split and him and Changbin are taken to a different direction then their leader.

'Fuck.. No.. Fucking crap.. What do I do now.' Minho quietly thinks to himself. It takes a while but soon after him and Changbin are back to their room inside the hotel.

"What do we do now hyung??" Changbin doesn't lose time to ask.

"What do you mean??" Minho signals him to shut up fast. "We sleep." He walks toward his laptop and starts working his fingers on the keyboard fast. "Ok. It's safe." He says after a second. "We need to get her out of there. If we don't do our thing tonight it will be never."

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