9. Net Of Confusion

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Hyunjin's fingers brush on the plastic bag of chips as his eyes scan the title written on the bag.

"They don't have-" His eyes suddenly land on the familiar bag of korean snacks that is lying straight up on the shelf.

"It's here!!" He says happiness obviously showing in his voice, as his fingers wrap around the green bag and pull it off the shelf holding it tight in his palms. "I found you." He mumbles remembering those late nights when he would sneak in his favorite snack, and eat it while watching kdramas on his laptop. Sometimes Manwol would join him as well with the two pulling an all-nighter without their parents knowing.

Living in Australia wasn't so bad. He needed some time to adjust, but after a while he started to enjoy living as a foreigner. But one thing Australia didn't have and never will have are the best korean snack, according to Hyunjin of course.

"Are you done?? We should go." Seungmin says quietly while looking down at the ground with his body leaning on the fridge filled with drinks. Hyunjin gives him a glance the smile he had disappearing from his lips as he remembers he has a bodyguard now. He ignores the youngers question and takes a few more bags.

"How come you're following my sister's orders?? You can leave you know, I don't need you." He says walking toward the cashier.

"I would never follow your sister's orders. I'm following Chan hyung's order." Seungmin says back as he pushes his body straight up again, and walks right behind Hyunjin. "And I can't leave you alone." He says looking down. "I need to at least feel useful." He mumbles to himself.

"Whatever." Hyunjin mumbles before bringing a smile on his face and looking up at the student behind the cashiers desk. "Thank you." He says when she hands him his bag with his snacks inside. He turns around to leave the store when something comes to his mind. "I don't know why she thinks you're able to protect me though. If you came with Chan just because you are in danger that means Chan is protecting you from getting hurt. You being with me doesn't change the amount of danger you're put in." He says surprising even himself at how he connected the dots.

He can't see it, but Seungmin's face goes completely dark at his remark. He is still trying to figure out why exactly he got himself into this mess. Of course partly it's because of Chan, partly because he wants to stay alive but... this one question has been bothering him. Is it partly because of his parents?? Ever since his father died he rarely goes home which leaves his mother in worries many times. Of course he knows she's just afraid to lose her son now as well, but maybe Seungmin just wants to prove that he is good enough to work as a special agent. That he is capable to keep himself alive. That he is not just some guy that is taking care of papers all day.

"I'll keep you alive.." He mumbles quietly so the older doesn't hear him. "Even if it means I might get hurt myself." His mumble makes Hyunjin look back at him with a questionable expression.

"What??" He asks since he didn't hear him clearly.

"Nothing.". Seungmin says back as they keep walking back to the car. The moree they walk more nervous Seungmin gets. Suddenly he feels chills run down his spine as the same feeling from the day before washes over him. He looks around noticing people walking past them minding their own business not even looking at the two, but he can't seem to shake off the feeling. His steps quicken as he comes closer to Hyunjin and walks right next to him earning a confused yet weird look from the older.

"Walk faster." He whispers into his ear grabbing on his wrist as they keep walking forward on the pavement. From the corner of his eyes he catches a man's glance. Normally dressed man who could be walking out of work right now but for some reason he just can't convince himself everything is fine. 'Am I just parannoying??' He asks himself but doesn't get the chance to get an answer as he decides to trust his gut. He grabs on Hyunjin's wrist tighter before starting to run down the street with the surprised boy quickly trailing behind him.

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