24. The Black Rose (PART 1)

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-Sexual assault
-Other unpleasant scenes

"I'm sorry." They stood there. Feet frozen. Hands shaking. Eyes teary. The doctor walks away as if nothing had just happened. As if his patient that was rushed to the ER didn't just breathe her last breath. He can't say a single word as the tears droop down his cheeks. He slowly turns away from his sister that is now kneeling down on the floor silent cries leaving her lips. Changbin doesn't want to believe his own mother just caused an accident only because she didn't want to live in this world anymore, dragging 3 complete strangers with her. It feels like a nightmare that just slipped into reality.

"How..." The 15 years old is stunned as his mind tries to accept the ugly truth. "... did this happen." His fist clenches together as he wipes the tears off his cheeks. Anger filling his heart as he silently curses. Stuffing down his feeling burying them deep inside himself he slowly turns toward his older sister gently rubbing her back, before trying to lift her up.

"Get up nonna." He says but she only cries on, not even seeing her brothers effort to stay on his right mind. In that moment a man bursts inside the hospital hallway, yelling and cursing.

"WHERE ARE THEY?!" He asks before his eyes set on Changbin and his older sister. "IT'S YOUR FAULT!! BECAUSE OF THAT BITCH MY WIFE IS IN A COMA!! YOU DID THIS!!" The man approaches them with guards rushing to stop him from making a bigger scene. He reaches his hand our gripping on Changbin's shirt before slamming the teen on the wall. Changbin doesn't budge to fight back as he keeps his fists clenched together. Why did other innocent people have to suffer because of his mother?? Why did she have to do this?? Couldn't she have just talked to them in any way?? Ask for help?? Why is it so hard for people to ask for help, does it make them feel that week?? Does their pride matter more than the hurt their loved ones feel?? The hurt everyone that are infected by their actions feel??

"Let me go." Changbin mumbles but soon after feels himself get shaken in the air multiple times. The screaming suddenly muffels inside his ears, his mind wandering away from the scene. The tears starting to build up in his eyes again as he slowly starts to sob. Despite being angry he still misses her. He wants his mom back. All the mornings when she would wake up and immediately light up a cigarette. The nights in front of the TV. Delicious lunches that would last for the next 3 days because she would be too lazy to cook every single day. The complaining over her boss and the way she would try to make him wear more light clothes, forcing him to buy colourful shirts. How she would tease him for his pointy chin. "LET ME GO!!" He squeals out gripping on the man's wrists and starting to move left and right in order to shake him away. He feels his butt his the ground as the guards pull the man away. He quickly gets himself together and gets up to walk to his shaken up sister. "Let's go." He takes her hand. "We should go."

They didn't waste time with organizing a small gathering for their mothers funeral. A few of her coworkers came and it ended there.

"Where is grandma??" Changbin asks as he sits next to his sister right next to their mothers memorial.

"Said something about how mom commited a sin. That's where I cut the call." She mumbles a weak answer back making him clench his teeth together.

"Bitch." He mumbles under his breath making his sister hit the back of his head. "Ouch."

"Don't say that. Be respectful."

"Why?? She didn't show up at her owns daughters funeral."

"She still paid for this though." A moment of silence sets between the two as Changbin keeps playing with his left thumbs nail, slowly digging into it with his right thumbs nail until the nail piles off and pinches his skin under making him pull his hand away. A small string of blood flows down the tip of his thumb but he quickly sucks the blood off before feeling his sisters eyes on himself.

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