10. My Young Wings Are Broken

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"Here." He says as he places two warm cups of tea in front of Chan and Manwol, who are sitting on the couch next to each other. "I'm sorry for keeping your friends outside but I would prefer to talk to you two in person." He takes his own cup in his hands and sits down across them with the small square coffee table in between them.

"It's not like they won't find out what we talked about but whatever, just speake." Manwol says already annoyed by the entire situation. Chan next to her just gives her a glance before speaking up.

"Have some manners will you." He says before taking his cup and drinking some of the substance inside of it.

"Have some manners will you." She mimics him and rolls her eyes. "I'm at least not fake." She mumbles quietly attracting his attention immediately making him look at her.

"I'm not fake!!" He says at her while still holding the cup in between his fingers. "You're so wild you know." He says putting it down and looking away from her. Their unneeded fight finishes the moment the man in front of them chuckles to himself. Both of them look up at him only to see a small smile spread on his face, while his eyes keep looking at the small circles the tea is making inside the cup.

"You are still bickering like back then." He says earning who confused looks. He finally looks up at them and lets out a deep sight. "It's better if I start from the very beginning don't you think??" He asks. "We meet in a summer camp during high school. Han Suhoon, Bang Henry or Hina as we liked to call him." He looks at Chan as his father's name is mentioned, but right after switches his gaze to Manwol.

"Hwang Dokyun and me. We were there with completely different reasons. Suhoon was forced to attend because his parents wanted him to, Hina was happy to be there, Dokyun didn't really care and I went there by my own will. We got paired up randomly together so from day one the four of us had to eat together, sleep together and finish camp tasks together." He smiles to himself.

"But you see, we didn't really get along at the beginning. On our first night Suhoon and Dokyun had a huge fight. Suhoon had quite a temper and Dokyun was really stubborn at the time so the two always fought a lot. During out time at the camp we talked to each other a lot and became pretty close, so when it ended we stayed in touch and the next summer we meet up in the same camp again. We started dreaming about how famous we are going to be once we grow up. That our names are going to be known all around Korea." He looks up at the two.

"We were nobody's back then you see. The only thing we had was dreams. We could only dream about something that might never come true. But eventually we started working on our first project. It wasn't anything major, home security systems actually. I am quite skilled with programing so we decided to go with something that we are familiar with. Hina always did all the boring managing paperwork. And Suhoon and Dokyun supported us financially. Suhoon was the rick kid everywhere he went and Dokyun always had connections so everyone in our group had their own role."

"Hina often took care of our health as well. He was like the mother of our group while the rest of us were a mess. Suhoon was the arrogant yet arranged up one he was also really loud. Dokyun never let anyone step down on him. He was always ready to fight even though he didn't care about anything most of the time, only the thing's he was interested in. He was also extremely loyal. And me, I was the one goofing around all the time." He points toward himself noticing how carefully Chan is listening to him, while Manwol is staring down at the pattern that is drawn on the cup.

"Over the years the four of us succeeded to the point where our group disbanded as I called it. All of us went on our own path creating our own companies and creating a name for ourselves until Sehoon came up with an idea. He wanted us to work on a project together again since he said he can't do it alone. At the time you two were just children, that's also when you first meet. Hina had to take care of you on the day we had a meeting." He looks at Chan with a small smile.

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