7. 3 Is My Secret

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"Agh, my back is literally dislocated from so many flights." Manwol mumbles while awkwardly turning on the airplane seat. Since she doesn't get any remark back from the man next to her she turns her head toward him, noticing his relaxed sleeping face. A small smile forms on her lips as she looks at him before turning back forward and finally seteling in her seat.

"Finally." She mumbles as she closes her eyes as well. A deep sight escapes from her when she remembers Felix's words from earlier. 'He missed you, you know.' She opens her eyes looking at her right noticing Hyunjin look out of the window while Jeongin is playing games on his phone.

'There are nights when he would just sit there and stare at that picture for hours. Sometimes I would find him crying, but he still wouldn't open up to me. He always said he can't tell me. He kept his word about keeping quiet no matter how much it was eating him from the inside.'

"I'm sorry Hyunjin.." She mumbles before tearing her eyes away from him, and looking back forward into the back of the big seat in front of herself. Even though she can't see the boys on the front seat she just knows Felix is lying on top of Changbin, while they are watching that animated movie.

After a few hours they land in Korea and immediately go home, since they are all over the news again. The police really blamed it all on them once again. For blowing up the floor and all the chaos that happened.

This time Felix drove and nobody gave a single objection, even though he barely got his licence a few months ago. They would do everything just for Manwol not to drive. The moment she opened the driver's door they started shouting and pulled her away.

Now they are in front of the building, with Felix and Hyunjin pulling out their suitcases. The moment the staff hear the car stop in front of the front door they come out greeting them. One takes the van to the garage, while two other take the suitcases out of the boys grip. While Felix just gives them a warm smile, Hyunjin is looking at them confused.

"Wow.. It's been a while." Felix says while looking at the big building.

"Get ready for a blow Lix. We renovated a few times." Manwol says.

"Yeh, but we did it because you and Changbin had one of your stupid drinking challenges again." Minho says before walking forward and opening the door. They walk inside noticing the main hall already filled with people who greet them, before their eyes start landing on Hyunjin. Whispers start going around as everyone stare at him, making the boy so uncomfortable that he could dig a hole into the ground right now, and bury himself inside.

"Why are they so surprised." He says loud enough for only the group around him to hear.

"Because they don't know you exist." Jeongin says back.

"Everyone, listen up!!" Manwol shouts. "Today we have someone new joining us and I would want you all to welcome him warmly. His name is Hwang Hyunjin and he... is my little brother!!" The moment the word brother left her mouth the whispers around got even louder.

"Why did you reveal he's your brother right away, you know they think you were the only heir back then??" Minho whispers to her while scanning the people's expressions around them.

"They would have to find out eventually." She says back not bothered by what might happen.

"I know it's sudden for everyone to find out, but we didn't have a choice but hide his identity 6 years ago!! Please spread the word around to everyone!! Now..." She turns to Hyunjin and throws a hand over his shoulder. "Let's get you settled." She says before looking him up and down. "When did you get so tall you punk." She says and drags him toward the elevator.

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