12. I Liked The Way They Burned

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"Rise and shine honey!!" Minho yells as he clicks his belt together. "I had to rewrap my wound because of you, god you are heavy." Jisung's eyes still don't open even though the older complains are louder then usually.

"Yaa.." Minho says one more time as he gets closer and kicks the chair Jisung is tied on. "I didn't kill you yet.. why won't you get up?? Is school to tough so you don't get much sleep." He says in a teasingly tone. Finally after he kicks the chair one more time the younger eyes suddenly open up, his head raising immediately.

"Oh look at you, you're alive." Minho says a small smile spread on his face. "Let's get to the thing immediately." He says and that's when Jisung wakes up completely, only bow noticing the rope around his wrists and ankles. Both of his wrists are tied to the armrests of the chair while his legs are tied to the front legs of the chair. He tries to pull his hands away but soon realizes it's pointless. Another thing he notices it's that his shoes are missing revealing his clothed feet.

He looks around noticing he has no idea where he is he can only tell it's an old garage. Pretty large with some of the machines still there collecting dust on themselves. Not far from him a table full of equipment is placed and right a meter in front of him there is Minho, sitting down on a chair that is turned toward him with his hands wrapped around the headrest and his chin resting on them. A small smile playing on his lips as he keeps looking at the younger with his hair a bit ruffled because of the wind and and his jacket covering his body while Jisung is ruthlessly left to the mercy of the wind.

"They said it will rain today.... and for the entire week, I guess that's the perfect time to work." He says while getting up careful not to make a to heavy step on his wounded leg. "Sorry for your clothes by the way. I'm supposed to make you feel like you're in hell so yeh. I'm not far from the devil so don't worry, you will get in the role. You also look hotter with less clothes on but anyway!!" He claps his hands together and steps toward the table pulling out a big white board that was just behind it. The sound of the old rusty wheels echoes through the garage as he pulls the board behind his chair directly in front of Jisung.

"I have a few questions and then you can go. First of all don't panic, I read your record I know you're completely wrecked with depression and anxiety, so I'm rather going easy on you... for now." He pulls his own chair closer to himself so he can support himself before checking out the boy. He can already see his legs tremble. This entire time he hasn't said a word, after looking around he locked eyes with the ground and hasn't lifted his head up ever since.

"First one!!" Minho shouts attracting his attention again. "Where were you 6 years ago on August 9th??" The question immediately makes JIsung lift his head up. How could he ever forget... how could he forget the day his entire universe crushed. The day the net of lies started, the manipulation he has gone through ever since and the constant fear that has been following him every day without letting him take a calm breath. "Oh!! You remember." Minho says as a wide smile appears on his face. He takes a marker in his hand and takes off the cap before scratching a few words on the whiteboard. "You see.. on this day you ordered the murder of two families-" He draws a sticker man on both sides before writing below the image.

"-the first one was the annoying Bangs. You should have killed Chan too, why let him live and create all this mess now?? Well anyway, and the second one was the ugly Hwang's. Unfortunately for you the bad bitch and the crybaby survived. Now... why did you do it??" He asks looking right at Jisung, who is barely keeping his mind together. A few seconds pass by in silence as the two keep looking at each other with none of them speaking up.

"I..." Jisung finally opens his mouth but the overwhelming memory of that day makes him look at the ground once again and stop. His mind replays the memory over and over again without letting him calm down. "I didn't kill anyone. I don't know anything. I have nothing to do with this. Please leave me alone." The fear overwhelms him, making him spit those words out faster than the speed of light. 'Will I... Will she kill me if i say anything?? I can't die like this. Not now!! Fuck... my legs are shaking and I'm so cold not to mention hungry.. He looks so scary too begin with. Why does he keep smiling like that.. he is... he is definitely going to kill me isn't he?? Fuck... fuck..' Tears start to build up in his eyes as his mind keeps creating every possible scenario that can come out of this situation.

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