22. The Dagger Through My Heart

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He can't move. Suddenly his entire body feels numb. He can feel his stomach flip as his eyes keep themselves on the picture on the screen.

"No... it's impossible." Nobody can't hide the shock on their face but Chan can't help but suddenly feel sick.

"Hyung..... she... we." Seungmin says but soon after the dots start connecting in his brain. How she was there from day one, right next to Chan in everything. How exactly she got dragged out of that room moment before the chaos started. How nobody is targeting her. the tears slowly start to build up in both of the boys eyes as the feeling of betrayal washes over them. Manwol spares Chan a worried glance before facing back the laptop. She looks at the girl. Her long black hair and elegant smile. 'Who wouldn't be fooled by that??' She thinks to herself. Kim Soojin. The nice little sister Chan has shared every concern with in the last few years. The person he risked his life together and the person he talked to whenever he felt like life is starting to weight too much.

"Good thing you decided to show up." She says already signalling Jisung he is in trouble.

"Sorry. I had to get my mind together again." He says keeping his hands in front of himself.

"You still need to tell me you know. If you are getting suicidal again just tell me. We will solve things." She smiles at him almost making him curse her out loud. "We are siblings anyway, if we don't help each other who else will." She let's out a laughter before getting up and walking to him. "What happened to your face anyway?? You look wrecked as fuck." She asks as her fingers brush on his bruises.

"I-" Jisung struggles to find an excuse.

"Did you get into a fight again??" She asks her voice raising up.

"Yes" He slowly admits since he can't find a reason himself. "I provoked a senior from college." He looks away calming his breath.

"Wow. You never fail to surprise huh?? Just when I thought you stopped getting into trouble." She gets even closer to him her eyes now looking at his eye. "He hit you hard didn't he." She chuckles as she looks him in the eyes. A small smirk still on her lips as they make eye contact and Jisung doesn't rush to break it. The smile slowly fading away. "And a lot." Her voice as calm.

Jisung nervously clears his throat and trails his eyes over the room, his mind quick to find a convincing resume of the story.

"I actually.... I got beaten up after class too." He mumbles and looks down at his fingers remembering the way Minho hit him over and over again. In that moment the pains shoots through him feeling as fresh as in that moment.

"What about your ear though??" She says her hand raising up and two of her fingers brazing the bandaged left ear. The words get stuck in Jisung's throat as he struggles to find a yet fresh lie. The entire group seems to notice even though by now Seungmin has left the room, with Hyunjin tailing behind him and Chan is silently still processing the betrayal he just witnessed.

Everyone tense up as Jisung chokes on his own words.

"Come on." Manwol mumbles believing this is not how the younger goes down.

"I..." For a moment an image shoots through his mind of how this entire 'first mission' of his is going to end. With him and a gun against his forehead. In cold blood with his body thrown in the ocean. It's over for him. He can feel his mind go completely blank as she gives him a cold glare. He opens his mouth so say something but it takes him a few seconds for his mouth to start forming words. "I bumped into.... into a girl on my way out of campus. She pushed me to the ground and I hit my head on a rock. It's not serious I just tore my ear a bit." He says not even knowing if his story makes sense, but it's enough for his sister to nod her head and move back letting him take a breath.

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