33. Come Back Home

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"Do you still want to know how I got the scar on my hand??" Minho asks not letting silence take over the two.

"Shouldn't you rest??"

"I have to keep myself awake. It's best that way."

"Just don't over do it." Jisung mumbles. Minho slowly brings his hand from below the blanket, holding it up and looking at the ugly scar. After a second he feels Jisung's fingers brush over the long line. "It looks like they split your hand in half." He mumbles before slightly squeezing it and pulling it back under the blanket.

"They did." Minho says his tone low. He doesn't have to raise his gaze up to feel the surprise on Jisung's face.

"It happened around 4 years ago. Changbin was still recovering from his scar when we suddenly got stuck in Hongkong. At this point the team was completed. Manwol, Changbin and Jeongin out on the field with me behind the computer. It happened just a week after Felix got sent to Australia, he got a lot better by then so Manwol decided to keep him as far away from the fights and trouble. Even though she made it sound like a selfish decision she wanted to give him more time to recover from his past. Well we thought we got a lead in Hongkong, someone went by the name Ri so we wanted to check it out. It was of course a scam since every powerful gang knew by then that our organization was after this. They knew about the mess we created in Russia about what we did in Korea and that we made a deal with a Japanese clan. All of these thighs made us famous in the criminal world even thought we were just trying to do our job. In Hongkong Manwol got into some beef with an old man that knew her father. The old man was pissed when he found out that she killed him and of course that stupid bitch provoked him even more." He lets out a chuckle.

"It was just a normal mission. Find the man that presents himself under the name Ri, find out if he is telling the truth. If he is bring him if not kill him. But of course this was a trap set by that old man and we walked right into it. Manwol told us to back off and let her deal with personal problems but of course we didn't. Especially Jeongin. God he was like a wild animal the first two years." One more smile appears on his face at the memory of their maknae.

"She was about to sneak out of the hotel we were sleeping in but at that point I could just read her mind. We were non stop together for almost two years, so I knew exactly what was on her mind. She wanted to have a nice chat with the old man but he decided that killing her back was the only solution but instead, he got me. Shoot me in the leg. That was the first time I was actually shoot while working with her. I blacked out almost immediately. She barely got out and the entire night she was waiting in front of the building waiting for them to transport me but it never happened. I was put in a glass box, tied on a chair and my leg just wrapped with a white bandage, the bullet still inside. It felt like someone was trilling a hole through my muscle. That wasn't the worst part tho. The places some kind of device that was connected to the wall of the box. It had a long tail and on the end two single blades. They were placed one above my hand and one under just between my ring and middle finger. and horizontally from the two blades were like just two long plastic.. like flat sticks. Sorry I don't know how to explain it better."

"It's ok, go on." Jisung reassures him.

"They were pushing my ring and middle finger apart. And in front of my face was a camera. showing the entire scene. They recorded every second. And not even 3 seconds in the blades were already cutting through the thin skin between my fingers. It was even worse when they reached my knuckles and the two flat stick started pushing my fingers apart. I have never screamed more in my entire life. It felt like an eternity while I was stuck on that chair, I was crying and cussing at the same time. It went on and on for an hour. Of course the process was slow I had to feel every second of pain for them to be satisfied. My bones were getting crumbled and pushed together. Fingers squished like plastic." He stops for a moment to catch his breath. The memory of his painful experience flashing through his mind.

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