29. Double Twist

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"Morning!!" Jeongin bursts through the door with a big smile on his face, and the hospital record in his hand. He looks around, immediately noticing the two obviously naked boys. "Oh my god!!" He can't help but shout out. Hyunjin as well as Seungmin immediately sit up on the bed the thin hospital sheet covering their bodies.

"It's not what you think." Hyunjin tries to make an excuse as he looks for his clothes somewhere under the bed.

"It's exactly what you think." Seungmin says with a smile on his face. He watches Hyunjin shoot him a glare before the older finally get's out of the bed careful with his arm.

"You know what. I don't wanna know." Jeongin covers his face with the record not wanting to see any of the twos private parts. "I come to check on your conditions and you two are getting laid?? By each other??" Jeongin peaks through the corner of the paper folder. "I guess you are doing good. How did you even manage to have sex?? Your head is spinning and ankle is twisted-" He looks at Seungmin. "-and you have a broken arm." He switches his gaze to Hyunjin. "Not to mention both of you have fried skin."

"Everything's possible with a little will." Hyunjin says putting on the hospital pyjama.

"Just get in your own bed." Jeongin whines out walking forward to them.

"Did they figure something new??" Seungmin asks putting the pyjama over his head. Jeongin immediately catches up to what's on his mind.

"Yeah. They are meeting Soojin in an hour."

"Wait what?! Why?!" Seungmin sits up on the bed in shock but is immediately pulled back down as the pain shoots through his body.

"Stay still. You already did your work out." Jeongin pulls out two boxes off pills throwing one toward each boy. "These are for the pain. One every 6 hours. Don't overdose." He putts the file with their data down and switches his attention back to them. "I have instructions from noona to keep you two in your beds but she didn't say I can't tell you our plan." He takes a few minutes to explain everything the rest of the team went through before noticing the amused looks on both of his hyungs."

"You know your way on the field??" Seungmin asks reading Hyunjin's mind.

"Of course. I worked on the field the first year. Then noona decided to enrol me in high school so I had to stop if I wanted to keep my identity a secret. That's when Minho hyung taught me how to work with computers and be useful in other way, that's how he ended up working on the field."

"Wait. Minho hyung was the one working from behind the screen originally??" Hyunjin asks in shock since he is used to seeing the older in action.

"Yeah. He was the mastermind behind every operation. With him leading us we never really got in trouble. Even when he started working on the field it felt like he holds the same impact. When I would screw up and get them into trouble he would take one for the team and get the team out of wherever situation they were in. That's how he got that nasty scar on his hand." Jeongin smiles at the memory. That day was the first time the entire team shook from fear. The first time they all as a team felt like it's over, the day all of them realized how much they mean to each other. And it only took for Minho to almost die. "Anyway I gotta go. I have to get ready for later. Manwol noona is probably gonna give me a 15 minutes lecture too so... yeah." He makes an annoyed face before smiling at the two. "Take your rest. No more extra activities you're gonna only open your wounds." With a pair of narrowed eyes and a finger pointed at the two he exits the room.

"Finally tho. The sexual tension was so annoying between those two."


"What are you doing??" Chan asks as he get's dragged inside the big armoury of the hotel.

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