Chapter 6, Part 1

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Astrid's P. O. V:

A month has passed since my return from Ambience, and my wounds had completely healed. So much has happened since.

First, a young man named Edwin showed up when Morgana was ill, and had cured her. He'd turned out to be a dark wizard and tried to kill both Gaius and Uther for revenge against his parents, who were also dark wizards. Merlin defeated him by putting an axe through his head with his magic, from what the warlock had told me. It wasn't long after that that a girl and her father were saved from bandits by Arthur and Merlin. They'd turned out to be Shi, another type of faery, but a more evil kind.

Meaner than elves.

The Shee and elves don't get along simply because of opposing personalities.

Merlin had defeated them before they could use Arthur as a sacrifice to return to Avalon, the Land of Eternal Youth.

Honestly, Merlin has saved Arthur's life so many times now, I've lost count.

Everyone, including the Prince and King, should be bowing and grovelling in gratitude to Merlin.

They owe him that much.

I'd also changed much since my return from Ambience. I'd tried to spend more time with Merlin, such as by taking him out on rides in the woods if I manage to convince Arthur. If Uther had noticed how much I've changed or how I am around Merlin, he doesn't say anything about it. Though, Morgana, Gwen and Jas have definitely noticed it.

As for Arthur, I'm not exactly sure what the Prince is thinking.

Just recently, two Druids have snuck into the city to buy supplies, but were caught. The younger boy had gotten away, though.

I'd been summoned to the council as Uther was signing some papers, wearing my purple dress with my locket and purple thistle earrings and amethyst ring and bracelet, my hair in a half braid, half ponytail, Arthur lingering beside me.

I'd been summoned to the council as Uther was signing some papers, wearing my purple dress with my locket and purple thistle earrings and amethyst ring and bracelet, my hair in a half braid, half ponytail, Arthur lingering beside me

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My newly healed whip lash wounds are still visible over the top of the back of my dress, though my waist length blonde hair conceals them.

"The Druid was merely in town to collect supplies. He meant no harm. Is it really necessary to execute him?" I question, leaning one hand on the table.

"Absolutely necessary. Those who practice magic cannot be tolerated," Uther replies curtly. I subtly glance at Arthur, the both of us knowing exactly how he'd react should he know my secret.

"The Druids are a peaceful people," Arthur tries to persuade his father. I admire him for refusing to back down.

"Given the chance, they will return magic to the kingdom," Uther responds, taking up his goblet of wine and drinking it.

I resist the urge to growl, hating the man before me for drinking wine while taking enjoyment out of butchering my people. As his "closest friend and Queen," I'd had plenty of opportunities to end his life, to take revenge for my kind. The only thing that was stopping me was the fact it would make me no better than him.

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