Chapter 43, Part 1

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Astrid's P. O. V:

My feet trudge heavily in the blinding white snow as I walk beside Merlin and Arthur, our hands bound in ropes that are tied to a cart being pulled by a black horse.

Suddenly, Arthur drops to his knees and collapses.

Merlin calls, "Whoa, stop!" A horse whinnies as everyone halts and Ragnor, the man with shoulder length dark hair looks back at us as Merlin kneels beside Arthur. "He needs water!"

Ragnor dismounts and strides over to us

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Ragnor dismounts and strides over to us. "Get up!" He demands. When Arthur doesn't respond right away, Ragnor kicks his side roughly before grabbing him and hauling Arthur to his feet. He then grabs Arthur's face in his gloved hands, sneering. "Not so much of the great warrior, now. Are you?! Hah!" Ragnor chuckles menacingly.

"Here. I'll help him," Merlin volunteers, gripping onto Arthur. Ragnor turns and strides back to his horse. Arthur gazes at me and sends me a wink. I drift my gaze down to see a dagger clutched in his hands.

I inwardly smirk.

"Go!" Ragnor orders, mounting again. Once again, Merlin, Arthur and I are pulled along behind the cart with the other prisoners to Ismere.

We continue walking for hours. As we do, Arthur is secretly cutting his bonds. He gives Merlin and I a nod. Merlin and I lean forwards and grab onto the ropes tying the luggage to the cart. We pull, causing them to tumble to the ground. A horse whinnies at the sudden weight shift.

Ragnor comes trotting around and yells, "Who did this?! Who?!" Arthur jerks his head to Merlin and I.

I say sternly, "We need to rest."

Ragnor dismounts and unsheathes his long sword as he cones up to us. "Right... you can rest... forever!"

He goes to swing his sword at Arthur but Arthur strikes his head with his bound hands. The sword falls from Ragnor's grip as he's knocked into the cart.

Arthur throws the dagger and it hits its target head-on, killing them.

I make my eyes flash gold as I hear Merlin whisper a spell. The men around us go flying back and hit the ground on their backs. A horse rears up while whinnying in fear due to Merlin's spell. The weapon falls from the Saxon's hand but he stays on.

Merlin and I yank our ropes off after having cut them.

Arthur throws Merlin an axe while grabbing a sword for himself. As Arthur slashes at the men and grabs a crossbow, I use a stunning spell to throw more men back.

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