Chapter 16, Part 1

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Astrid's P. O. V:

I sit beside Morgana as we gather in the throne room, after a sighting of a horse appearing in smoke was seen by a maid servant while they and other servants were out collecting firewood. Merlin was there, doing the same thing, and I just knew it was he who'd summoned the horse from the smoke.

I was going to kill him for being so stupid, if Uther didn't kill him first.

The maid servant who'd seen the smoke horse stands before us, face pale, as Uther questions, "It was sorcery you saw, are you certain of it?"

"Yes, Sire," She says. I meet Merlin's gaze across the room after he'd exchanged glances with Gaius.

"You're so dead, Merlin," I say mentally, though my face is impassive.

"I'm really sorry, Astrid!" He responds.

"We'll talk about this after, you dummy!" I say before we disconnect, and I focus my attention back on the conversation.

"And you swear this before your king?" Uther questions.

"I swear it!"

"Perhaps your eyes deceived you?" Arthur says, and I glance at him. "A trick of the light?"

"The smoke was alive, I tell you!" The servant proclaims, swallowing fearfully. "I feared for my life!" I almost wanted to roll my eyes at this, thinking it impossible as it was made from smoke, but refrained myself.

"I thank you for bringing this to my attention. Your loyalty will not go unrewarded," Uther says.

"Thank you, Sire!" The woman gasps, before the knight standing next to her escorts her from the room.

Uther murmurs, green eyes hardening, "It cannot continue."

"I will hunt down those responsible, father. I promise, they will not escape, unpunished," Arthur says.

"No. Stronger methods are called for," Says Uther. "Send for the Witchfinder!"

At this, Morgana and I lock fearful gazes, immediately knowing who it is, as a murmur of fear ripples across the room.

I feel immense fear as I know the Witchfinder from all the rumours I'd heard.

"Sire! Is it necessary to resort to such measures?" Gaius asks.

Uther snaps, "The Witchfinder is a trusted ally, Gaius. His help will be invaluable."

"Of course," Gaius murmurs in acceptance.

When we're dismissed, I follow Merlin and Gaius to the Physician's Quarters. Once we get inside, Gaius yells at his nephew, "How many times, Merlin, how many times, must I drive it into that thick skull of yours?!" Merlin shuts the door behind me as Gaius goes to stand behind his work bench. "That your magic is a secret to be guarded with your life! What were you thinking?!"

"I..." Merlin heaves a sigh. "... I wasn't thinking!"

"Well, think, boy, think!" Gaius hollers.

"It was just a bit of fun!" Merlin says.

"It was magic and it was seen," I hiss at him, before Merlin leans his hands on the edge of the desk.

"You're both right; I'm sorry!" Merlin apologises.

Gaius says as he steps around the desk and turns to face us as Merlin and I sit down, "You must hide the book, anything that connects you to sorcery right away." Merlin and I nod.

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