Chapter 19, Part 3

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Astrid's P. O. V:

I stand beside Uther in the council room after he'd summoned the council. Knights stand on either side of the door and immense relief washes over my face when I see Arthur and Merlin enter the room, the warlock going to stand off to the side.

I try to catch the warlock's gaze in the sea of red and silver but he refuses to meet my eyes. My smile drops as I gain an uneasy feeling. Something was wrong.

"Merlin...?" I try to prompt, but he just shuts me out, and continues to avert his eyes. Worry tugs at my heart. Merlin almost never shuts out my voice. Something was wrong.

I return my gaze to Arthur as he stands before the council, despite wanting to go to my husband and comfort him. Arthur says, shame in his voice, "I'm sorry, father. I've failed you. The last Dragonlord is dead."

Gasps echo around the room and my hand goes to my heart at this. I try to look at Merlin once more, but he again avoids my gaze.

Balinor was dead. His father was dead. My heart aches for Merlin, knowing full well what it's like to watch one of your parents die. "Oh, Merlin....." I think sadly. I watch as my husband puts his hand to his mouth, struggling not to cry.

Uther murmurs, leaning his hands against the table, "How many years I might have wished for that news

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Uther murmurs, leaning his hands against the table, "How many years I might have wished for that news." I wanted to slap him across the face for that, or even just punch him, but I refrain myself.

Arthur says, "All is not lost, father." This causes the king to raise his eyes to him. "We have to fight the monster ourselves. You need to let us ride out and fight on our own terms. On open ground, on horseback... where we can manoeuvre better."

"There is no point!" Uther says grimly.

"So what? We stand here, watch Camelot fall?" The two Pendragons stare at each other for a long moment. Finally, Uther nods as he speaks up, straightening his spine.

"You have my blessing."

Arthur says, turning around in a slow circle, his hands on his hips, "I need a dozen knights. Those who do not wish to fight can do so without staying in their character. For those brave enough to volunteer should know... the chances of returning are slim."

I close my eyes as I come to my decision, already having decided. With a steady heart, I open my eyes again and step around the table, standing before the prince who faces me.

Keeping my chin high, I say in a strong, unwavering tone, "It'll be my honour to fight by your side until the end, Arthur."

He bows his head gratefully, despite the concern in his bright blue eyes. Merlin is giving me a pleading look as his eyes well up with tears, shaking his head, but I've made up my mind.

I hear slow steps behind me, and then Sir Leon was there. Arthur bows his head to him gratefully. Then, slowly, one by one, the rest of the knights step forward, standing in a circle around their prince.

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