Chapter 39, Part 2

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Astrid's P. O. V:

I wait by the open window for Jas to arrive to help me get ready for bed, feeling the cool night breeze, leaning on the window sill as I gaze out at the sparkling stars.

I gaze up at the stars, silently wondering where Gwen could be right now, before I close the window and turn back to Jas as she enters my bedroom.

As I get ready for bed with Jas's help, she says, "Dinner certainly went well."

After getting my dress undone with her assistance, I take it off from behind the changing screen as I say, "So it did. Even the part where Arthur made a fool of himself by spilling his soup."

"That was kind of funny," Jas says. She hangs up my pink night gown and I slip it on after changing my under garments. "I hope things go well for Arthur. I mean, after everything he went through with Gwen."

I give Jas a flat look before I sit at my desk and she helps me with my hair. "As much as I love Mithian, I still believe Arthur was destined to marry Gwen."

"You're not disappointed are you?" Jas asks as she finishes brushing out my hair.

"Of course I'm not! I just think Arthur us making a mistake in marrying Mithian. That's all."

"Done," Jas tells me once she finishes and sets down my brush. "Will there be anything else?"

"No, thank you, Jas. You can go home now," I say as I get up and go to the bed. The door opens and Merlin enters, pausing at the sight of us. She notices Merlin and smiles at him as brunette leaves.

Once she was gone, Merlin joins me in bed and tells me, his hand stroking my side, "Arthur's invited Mithian on a breakfast picnic tomorrow."

"That's terrible," I say in slight sarcasm. "I guess it's all up to you now, dear. You're our only hope of stopping the wedding." When Merlin frowns at me in puzzlement, I add, "Well, since it's date, I can't exactly go with you. But, you can tell me all about it when you get back."

"So I'm the one who has to suffer through it tomorrow?" Merlin asks.

I nod but say, "I'll make it up to you." I flip us over so I'm hovering atop the ravenette, my long hair brushing his cheeks.

Merlin chuckles as I lean down kiss him deeply, before slowly moving my lips to below his ear. As I kiss him there, I hear a deep moan, Merlin's hands gently running up and down my sides.

When I pull back to gaze down at him, lust in both our eyes, Merlin says huskily, "I guess I can live with that."

I chuckle as I lean down to kiss him again.

When Merlin returns from the picnic the next morning, he tells me he'd tried making Arthur embarrass himself in front of Mithian but failed miserably, just like I did last night.

Then he had to go do his chores while I went to spend time with Bellatrix.


I wear my blue fur lined coat over my blue tunic and my hair in a braid, good locket around my neck and black leather fingerless forearm length gloves on my hands. It was the Festival of Ostaro, and it's Camelot's tradition to go on a hunt. The first time I came here during this festival, Arthur had offered me to go on a tour instead, which I'd refused.

O didn't really mind hunting.

I was reading next to Gaius in the Physician's quarters while Merlin finishing off getting ready, when Merlin comes down from the room after putting his stuff away, complaining, "I don't know we why bother! We should just leave him to it! Let him make his own mistakes! See how he gets on without me. I should resign! I said I should resign!" Merlin says louder to get my and Gaius's attention, the Physician reading a letter.

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