Chapter 18

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Astrid's P. O. V:

A few mornings later, wearing my white dress, my hair in a ponytail, I was called to the throne room after our meeting with Halig who'd told the king the Druid girl had escaped, and had warned us she was cursed.

I didn't truly believe she was cursed at all, but I do have an idea on who freed her.

No doubt it was Merlin.

"Did you help the Druid girl escape?" Uther questions as he stands before me, a cold look in his emerald green eyes. "I especially know of your disgust of the treatment toward those who practice sorcery. I've no doubt you've had a hand in this. And, if I find that you have... you will be locked away for the rest of your days and never see the light again. So tell me, did you help the Druid girl escape?"

"No, My Lord, I didn't help her escape," I say truthfully.

Helping those with sorcery get away from Uther and flee Camelot and lying to Uther about it is kind of my way of rebelling against Uther, when I couldn't speak my mind about it, because that would most likely get me on the chopping block.

"You honestly swear?" Uther questions.

I nod as I say, "Yes, Sire, I would never lie to you about something like this." I try not to make my sneer obvious.

The cold look in Uther's emerald green eyes fades away and I mentally breathe a sigh of relief. He says in a slightly softer tone, "Thank you, Astrid. You are dismissed."

I dip a curtsy, trying not to make it seem mocking, before I turn and leave, wanting to go to the stables to spend some time with my stallion, grabbing a couple of apples along the way.

Merlin was helping the Druid girl, that I was certain. He must care for her that much to risk his own life for her. I had heard of the bounty hunter, Halig, and I could only hope that Merlin will be extra careful.

I didn't want him to get caught. Or the Druid girl.

As I make my way to the stables after ducking into the kitchen and escaping the fat cook, I keep my eyes down so no one could see my tears, two apples in hand.


The next day, during breakfast—which was ham, cheese, bread and some fruit, I was reading at my desk when there's a knock on my door.

"It's Merlin," Merlin calls.

"Come in," I respond. I look up with a smile as the warlock approaches me. "Merlin, what can I do for you?"

"I was wondering if you could give me some food? Arthur caught me and is now suspicious of me," He replies.

"Merlin, you don't need to ask. But why do you need food?"

"Oh, it's not for me," Merlin says.

"Then, who is it for?" I ask, though I think I already have an idea.

"Ahm, no one, really."

"It's for the Druid girl, isn't it?" I say, setting down my book as I look at him. Merlin closes his eyes as he nods his head.

"I did what I thought was right. If you were in that cage, Astrid, I'd have done the same thing!" Merlin says, making me blink me give a sigh as I gaze back at him.

"You really care about her, don't you?" I ask gently.

Merlin nods as he says, "I'm hiding her in the tunnels under the castle. I'm going to look after her." I take note of the pride in his voice, and I couldn't help but feel a little jealous. "I hope you're not angry with me. One day, I could be the one facing the exact same fate."

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