Chapter 34, Part 1

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Astrid's P. O. V:

I was walking down the corridor with Jas wearing my yellow dress and citrine jewellery when we hear voices from the council chambers. Thinking it must be Merlin back with the knights from Caerleon already, I pick up the pace, Jas right on my heels.

Merlin had gone with the knights to forge an alliance with Queen Annis.

I burst through the doors to see Arthur sitting and telling the rest of the court what happened. They look up as Jas and I enter.

Gaius enters the room right after, and notices my worried face.

Gaius enters the room right after, and notices my worried face

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"Where's Merlin?" The Physician asks.

"He's alive," Arthur speaks up, the water making it easier for him to talk. "The last time we saw him, he was alive." Arthur orders Leon, "Dispatch the patrols at first light. Scour every inch of that forest."

I was grateful that Arthur is sending his men out to look for Merlin, my husband, even if he is just a servant, though I want nothing more than to go look for him right now.

"Yes, Sire," Leon says, nodding once before the knights leave.

I go up to the Physician and Gaius squeezes my arm comfortingly as Arthur comes up to us and says, "We'll find him, Astrid, Gaius. We will."

Arthur gives me an assuring look before he leaves the room.


I throw the front castle doors open to see Leon and the knights—with Arthur. I ignore Jas who is rushing after me and urging me not to go out there as she spots a guard holding my dapple gray mare, the knights looking to me wearily. I jog down the steps in my armor, sword gripped in hand.

"It's dangerous! The mercenaries could still be out there," Jas was saying.

"I don't care! He's my husband, and I'm going," I snap back.

"Your Highness, please!" Jas once again tries to beg, but if reached my mare and was already strapping my sword to her saddle.

Jas whirls on the knights, giving them a pleading look as I mount my horse. I was once again halted, this time by the King himself.

"You can't go, Astrid."

"And why ever not?!" I demand, whipping a glare to the blonde.

"It's too dangerous, with the mercenaries still out there." My glare hardens and he flinches, but continues. "Merlin would kill us if he knew we let you go off on your own, though I highly doubt that he could," Says Arthur with a roll of his sky blue eyes towards the end.

I go to protest but Leon cuts me off, gently yet firmly. "He's right, Your Highness. Merlin would not want his wife in danger. You should stay here while we go look for him. I promise you, we will not rest until we've found your husband—or the mercenaries that took him."

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