Chapter 23, Part 2

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Astrid's P. O. V:

We go back to the Physician's Quarters after the feast, and Merlin tells us, "Don't you see? It's started! It's coming true!"

"You can't be certain," Gaius says.

"It is the exact same dagger," I say, not meeting Merlin's gaze. He must be angry with me for giving Morgana that dagger, even when I'd promised him nothing bad will happen.

"We have to stop her!" Merlin hisses desperately.

"How?" Gaius asks. "None of know when this is going to happen. We don't even know it will."

Merlin says, "We have to watch her."

"Night and day?" Gaius asks, sitting up beside straight with a hand in his leg.

Merlin states, "I was shown these visions for a reason."

"This is madness," Gaius sighs.

"We'll take it in turns watching her," Merlin says. "She cannot be left alone!"

When the bell chimes midnight, I was taking a stroll around the castle, wondering if Merlin is alright.

I soon spot Merlin trailing Morgana. I catch up to him and he looks at me, startled, then relaxes upon seeing me. We keep a safe distance and duck behind a corner as she passes.

 We keep a safe distance and duck behind a corner as she passes

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We then resume following her to a set of stairs leading up. Merlin and I clasp hands and use our magic to close the doors. This causes a candle stand to fall towards Morgana. Not having expected it, she screams as she's sent tumbling back down the stairs, red cloak wrapping around her.

 Not having expected it, she screams as she's sent tumbling back down the stairs, red cloak wrapping around her

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"Oh, no!" We gasp, rushing over to her.

I tell Merlin, my face pale, "You stay here. I'll get Arthur." He just nods back in response while I go to get the Prince at full speed, fear pounding in my chest.

What had we done?!

I burst into Arthur's chambers, breathing heavily, and making him whirl toward me.

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