Chapter 24, Part 2

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Arthur's P. O. V:

I turn from my window at the sound of someone knocking on my door. When I call for them to enter, I was surprised to see it was Astrid.

"I came to see how you were doing," She says, approaching me.

"Of all the people, Astrid, you would know what it's like, to have a destiny from which you can't escape," I say, turning back to the window, a grim look on my face as moonlight pours onto it.

She sighs, "Destinies are troublesome things. I know all too well what it's like to have your whole destiny, every decision laid out before you. You feel trapped. Like your whole life has been planned out for you, and you've got no control over anything and, sometimes, you don't even know if your destiny is really the best thing at all."

Frowning, I look at Astrid. There's a distant look in her sapphire blue eyes and I could've sworn I saw a younger version of herself in them, looking sad and lonely...

"How come you're so knowledgeable?" I ask anyway.

"It's written about in all the stories I've read," She replies. "Everyone thinks that being a Queen is fun, when really, it isn't—not entirely. You're always being told what to do, where to go, what to eat, what to wear... every decision is made for you, and you don't get your own say in it."

There was that lonely look in her eye again as Astrid was speaking. I honestly never knew this part of her life. I'd always thought she'd had everything she'd ever wanted and was happy. But, now I see that's not entirely true. And I now understand why Astrid does the exact opposite of what a Queen does—half the time anyway. It's her way of rebelling against the rules and traditions set out for her. That's also why she seeks the sense of adventure so desperately, to escape the confines of the castle—and her role as a Queen—and a faery queen at that.

I turn to Astrid as I ask, "What would these stories tell you, if you were me? Should I marry her?"

"Do you really want my honest opinion, Arthur?" Astrid asks.

"Yes. I really do."

"I think you're mad. I think you're all mad. People should marry for love. Not convenience. I know I chose love over duty, and that, honestly, was the best decision I'd ever made. Derek and I weren't in an arranged marriage, but he was royal and I fell in love with him, as he had me." Here, a soft smile appears on the Faery Queen's face, one she'd never given me before in the past. But, one I have seen her give Merlin. "And, if Uther thinks an unhappy king makes for a stronger kingdom, then, he's wrong. Because you may be destined to rule Camelot, but you have a choice. It depends on how you do it."

I think I may have the right answer now, hearing the Faery Queen speak.

Unable to stop myself, I go up to Astrid and wrap my arms around her in a hug. She stiffens out of surprise but then returns the embrace.

"Thank you, Astrid. I'm really glad you're here," I murmur into her golden blonde hair. She doesn't say anything as she lets me continue holding her.

Astrid's P. O. V:

While Merlin and I were sleeping, I suddenly feel a strange buzzing feeling come over me. Merlin had insisted I stay with him for the night, in case the Shee were to attack me, though I could've defended myself just fine. Gaius had agreed. However, Shee were just as powerful as faeries, and I couldn't use my full power with the glamour of cast upon myself."

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