Chapter 38, Part 1

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Astrid's P. O. V:

With morning sunlight pouring in through the curtains, I wake up and immediately have to vomit. I grab the closest thing I could which was the privy pot, and vomit into it. It's been a few days since Gwen's banishment and Arthur, Merlin and the knights have gone on a hunting trip.

Jas comes running into the bedroom as she calls, "Are you alright, M' Lady?!" I finish spewing the bile before I push some blonde hair back and turn my head to her.

"I-I'm fine, Jas," I reply, wiping some bile off my mouth.

"You're vomiting," She states simply.

"I told you, I'm fi—" I'm cut off as I wrench my head back around to the pot and vomit into it again. Jas comes up to me and crouches beside me. She pulls my hair back, out of my face, and pinches her nose. I vomit for a few more seconds before I finally stop and wipe my mouth.

"Maybe you should go see Gaius," Jas suggests. I glance at her. "He'd know what's wrong, and you know Merlin would want you to."

I swallow and nod my head. "You're right. I'll go—" I'm cut off again as I vomit again into the privy pot.

Jas grimaces as more stench from the bile fills the room.


In my blue dress, I sit in the Physician's Quarters before Gaius, Jas with us, as the old man checks my vitals. He looks a little puzzled.

"Well?" I ask once he was finished and pulls back. "Is it serious? Do I have some kind of illness?" I may have an idea what's wrong but I want to check with Gaius first.

"On the outside, you appear perfectly healthy, Your Grace," He tells me. "What did you have for breakfast this morning? Perhaps it was something you ate...?"

"Just the usual ham and sausages, cheese, bread, tea..." I note before trailing off. I give a shrug towards the end.

Gaius has a pondering look on his face. "I may need to do a different test with your urine, to check if you're healthy on the inside," Gaius says. He picks up a small vial and hands it to me. "If you don't mind, Your Grace...?"

"Of course not, Gaius," I murmur as he presses the vial into my hand. I get up and go to Merlin's old bed chamber. I close the door behind me before I extract a sample for the Physician.

When I finish extracting the urine and head back downstairs, I hand it to Gaius who grabs another vial with a thin needle. Jas and I watch as Gaius pours the urine into the vial, and after a couple of minutes... it turns rusty red.

I slump in my chair in surprise as Gaius turns to me, just as surprised. "Your Grace... you're pregnant!" Gaius announces. Jas throws me a grin.

"I-I'm pregnant...?" I ask to make sure. He nods again.

"Are you alright, Your Grace?" Jas asks.

"Yes, of course. I'm just a little surprised," I say. "I'm pregnant..." A smile stretches across my features as I process the information. "I'm pregnant!"

Gaius and Jas smile at me, until they note my serious expression.

"What's the matter, Your Grace?" Asks Gaius.

"I'm really happy about having Merlin's child," I tell them, "but now I have to tell my husband and see how he'll react."

Gaius squeezes my left knee assuringly as he says, "Don't you worry, Your Grace. I know Merlin, and I know he'll be happy for the news."

I smile a little as I nod my head, knowing he's right.


As I was helping Jas get dinner ready, the front door to the house is thrown open.

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