Chapter 36, Part 2

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Astrid's P. O. V:

Gwaine throws himself on top of an unsuspecting bandit, instantly taking him out, as the others and I follow suit, though Gwen hangs back.

Gwaine exchanges swift blows with another bandit as the first one gets to his feet and engages Elyan in battle. Gwaine punches his opponent and Elyan does the same, knocking them to the ground.

They exchange grins as the other men join the fray, and Gwaine takes out his opponent. More bandits enter the battle, weapons raised.

Leon grabs a man's arm as Percival kicks him down, grinning at each other triumphantly. Leon whirls around and strikes an incoming bandit with the hilt of his sword, knocking him down. Another bandit runs at Percival who slugs him in the gut with a punch. Elyan knocks his opponent down before piercing him with his sword.

Merlin and I join the knights and I make sure to stay close to the warlock. As Leon deflects several blows from a bandit, Percival grabs one and drapes him over his shoulders before using the enemy's own legs to kick another bandit running at them from behind as the knight spins around. As Leon exchanges more slashes with his opponent, Percival rams his elbow up in between the bandit's legs, knocking him out before carelessly dumping the man on the ground.

A short bandit runs at Merlin and I, a beater raised as he lets out a war cry. Clasping our hands together, Merlin and I use our magic to make the bandit hit himself with his own weapon, causing him to fall on his back.

 Clasping our hands together, Merlin and I use our magic to make the bandit hit himself with his own weapon, causing him to fall on his back

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I feel something whiz past me and raise my sword in time to block an enemy's sword from my side. I shove Merlin away before pushing against the bandit's weapon. I jump back to avoid a swing for my head.

I thrust out my hand as I say, "Ilan whippen!" Water shoots out and strikes the enemy like a whip, or a viper. He cries out as he's sent flying.

I turn to see Merlin and Percival gaping at me.

As Merlin and I run to aid the others, Leon finally throws his opponent off him and those who were still alive, whirl around and flee the area. Merlin and I grin at each other as Gwaine and Elyan shake hands.

"Over here!" Came Percival's voice from behind a nearby tree.

I kneel in front them after sheathing my sword and gaze at the girl in worry. She's unconscious but a closer inspection reveals the girl is small and looks frail, with long, matted dark hair, pale features and a long sleeved purple dress with torn, puff sleeves.

Merlin kneels beside me and Percival murmurs as he goes to check her pulse, "It looks like we're too late."

As Merlin starts to lift her left eyebrow and say, "No, she's—", he's cut off when the girl suddenly jumps awake and gives a frightened shriek, causing us to jerk back in fright.

As Merlin starts to lift her left eyebrow and say, "No, she's—", he's cut off when the girl suddenly jumps awake and gives a frightened shriek, causing us to jerk back in fright

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