The Adventures of Merlin, Series 2: Chapter 10, Part 1

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Astrid's P. O. V:

Several months have passed since Nimueh was defeated by me and Merlin in The Isle of the Blessed, and I'm currently making my way to the throne room after having been summoned by Uther, Jas with me.

I enter to find Arthur, Morgana, Gwen, Gaius and a few knights gathered.

I bow to the King before saying, "My Lord, you've summoned me?" Jas goes to stand beside Merlin.

"Indeed. I've just received a message from the King of Ambience," she says, causing my eyes to widen slightly along with most others, such as Merlin's and Arthur's. "He says it's of great importance and requires your aid—aid in defeating some rebels who are trying to assassinate him. He says he wishes to make things right. But I also remember he was the one who'd captured you and tortured you several months ago. I don't want to risk losing you again, by helping the enemy."

I narrow my eyes, feeling Merlin's, Arthur's, Gwen's, Morgana's and Jas's eyes on me. Cassius wants to make amends? Even after all these years? I clench my fists. I'm surprised he didn't tell Uther what he was and that we're related.


Cassius said he wanted to make things right. Could my brother have changed?

Having made up my mind, I raise my eyes to Uther's and say carefully, "My Lord, I would like to meet with Lord Cassius to hear this from him in person. Then, we should decide what to do next. Do us like to request a small group to accompany me."

"Very well. I shall send only the best knights with you. You leave at first light," Uther says, and I nod again before he dismisses us.

Halfway to my chambers, Merlin grabs my arm as he says, Arthur beside him, "Astrid, you can't go!"

"And why not? You heard what Uther said."

"Don't you remember what happened the last time?! He almost killed you!"

"And didn't you hear Uther? Cassius wants to make things right. My brother wants to see me," I say firmly.

"Arthur! Tell Astrid she can't go!" Merlin says, turning o the Prince.

"I think we should at least hear Cassius out and find out who these rebels are," Says Arthur, much to Merlin's shock. "If it turns out to be a trap, then we'll figure a way out."

I nod my head. "You don't have to come if you don't want to, Merlin."

"No—I'll go. And I'll protect you, Astrid. I'm not letting you go by yourself," Merlin tells me.

"I'm not going by myself. Arthurs coming," I state, causing Merlin to whip his head to Arthur in surprise as Arthur's eyes widen.

"I am?"

"You are?"

"I know you'd agree to come, anyway. Just like how you tagged along when we went to help Merlin get rid of Kanen and his men. I only want to bring the two of you. Anymore, and it could be dangerous."

"That's why we're coming." We look to see Morgana and Gwen have followed us, and Jas is nodding her head in agreement. It was Morgana who'd spoken.

"No, Morgana—" Arthur denies.

"You can't stop me. We're a small enough group here."

"You really don't have to," I say. "It'll be really dangerous."

"And you're the Queen, yet you're still going," She retorts, making me sigh while Arthur clenches his jaw in frustration.

I groan in exaggeration, "Fine. You can come. Be prepared to leave at first light." Morgana and Gwen nod their heads before leaving to prepare. I look back at Arthur, Merlin and Jas. "We'd better prepare as well."

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