Chapter 28, Part 1

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Astrid's P. O. V:

I gallop Bellatrix back into the main courtyard of the castle, having just come back from an early morning ride. I pull her to a halt as I see Sir Leon and his men gathered outside with their horses.

"Lady Astrid," Leon greets, smiling at me.

"Good morning, Sir Leon," I return with my own smile

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"Good morning, Sir Leon," I return with my own smile. "Going on patrol?"

"Indeed—to the northern border for three days," Leon says.

"Well, I wish you the best of luck, Sir Leon. Come back safely. Your men, too," I tell him as I dismount.

"Thank you. And, we will," He says, smiling. He turns to go mount his horse. Once Leon was mounted, he and his men ride out of the castle for the northern border.

I take my mare to her stall and rub her down before I go find Merlin.


Later that day, the court was summoned to the council room when news of the loss of the patrol arrived. I'd stayed behind with Jas while Merlin and Arthur went to investigate.

I had changed into my yellow dress with white sleeves and citrine jewellery.

I stand next to Jas and Merlin, my maid's face calm, though I knew she was shocked and feared for Leon on the inside.

Uther takes the crest of Camelot attached to a knight's cape from Arthur. He asks, gazing at the crest, "It was Cenred who did this, you're certain of it?"

"Yes, My Lord," Arthur affirms. "His messengers only been to this part of Camelot. Cenred said that the patrol trespassed on his land and... an example had to be made."

"How many dead?" Uther demands, looking up at the Prince.

"All of them, Sire. Every last man," Says Arthur.

"The knights?"

"All lost. Edrick. Olaf. Oswick... and Sir Leon."

Merlin, Gaius, Has and I exchange glances with one another.

We soon disperse and I go to my room to do some reading.


That night, as thunder cracks the sky, the court was summoned once more when word of Leon's return reaches us. Jas and I had dropped everything before we'd rushed to the council room to see for our own eyes.

Leon stands in the circle of court members as he grasps Arthur's forearm and the Prince pats him once on the shoulder. Crushing relief as well as shock gleams in Jas's brown eyes for her friend.

Arthur says, relief in his voice, "We thought you were dead for sure!"

Uther chuckles as Leon responds, "I was dead. Was good as—until the Druids found me." Arthur steps back as confusion and shock appears on both Pendragons' faces.

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