Chapter 11, Part 1

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Astrid's P. O. V:

I become extremely anxious as my friends and I wait for the right moment to attack Cassius, which we decided would be after he has finished dinner, and was making his way back to his bed chambers. That's when Sirius, Saffire and I would strike while Merlin and Arthur took care of the guards in the hall. Rowan, Skye, Kit, Kaz, Erza, Izzy, Morgana, Gwen and Jas would wipe out the other guards who are loyal only to Cassius in other parts of the castle.

I invite Merlin to have dinner with me, to keep me company, but I was still on edge, even as we fall into east conversation. Merlin notices my unease, but he understood as well. We were all on edge.

As I finish my dinner, drinking my wine, I glance out the window to see that the stars are out, some clouds in the sky.

"We're in our positions, cousin," Sirius's voice flora into my mind and I pause slightly. I flick my blue gaze to the warlock and he seems to understand.

"We'll be ready," I respond. We fall silent and I stand up, gesturing for Merlin to follow me.

"I want to show you something, Merlin. I found it earlier." Curiosity shines in his blue grey orbs as Merlin follows me silently out the door. Cassius would be returning to his chambers soon, but this room was on the way.

We walk further down the corridor and duck into a room opposite my brother's, a couple of guards standing outside it. In this room, there are various items and objects scattered around, along with various old paintings and furniture.

One such painting gains my attention, and I stand before it. Merlin comes up beside me, gazing up at the gilded painting, most of its colours having faded with age and time. But I know what it is: it's a painting of me, Derek and Kiran, having been done not long after my son was born, the baby silver haired elf held in my arms, as we stand before the thrones, the glow of the setting sun shining through the windows on either side of us.

"I found this earlier, and I just wanted to show you," I tell Merlin. I can't believe it's still here. Cassius must've had his guards do this after he took over.

 Cassius must've had his guards do this after he took over

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