Chapter 42, Part 2

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Astrid's P. O. V:

When Merlin comes to my chambers for bed later that night, he holds me against him and strokes my blonde hair.

I say knowingly, "You used your magic at dinner, didn't you."

"I don't know what you mean, dear," He says innocently.

"You know what I mean, Merlin. You used your magic to help you gain the talent of juggling."

He chuckles, taking a strand of my hair between his fingers. "Alright. You got me. I suppose I did. But I couldn't make a fool of myself in front of everyone, now, could I?"

"I suppose not," I giggle as Merlin leans in and kisses my lips. Then he leaves butterfly kisses down my jaw, and along my neck.

My breath hitches as he kisses the sweet spot on my neck. I feel him smirking against my skin as a moan escapes my lips.

Merlin then bites it gently before sucking the spot, making me give another moan. I feel Merlin's smirk widen.

After a few minutes of him sucking and running his hand along my side under my shirt, Merlin returns his lips to mine. We kiss hungrily as his gentle yet powerful hands roam my body, leaving a trail of fire in their wake.

Merlin leans back to allow us to recapture our breath. I cup his cheeks and gently caress them, love swimming in my blue gaze. I see just as much in his.

"I love you, Merlin," I murmur, stroking back some of his black locks.

"I love you, too, Astrid," He murmurs back before his lips find mine in the dark again.


The next dawn, we all get up and dressed. While Merlin rides on ahead with Elyan, I walk out with Arthur and Annis, the sun rising ahead of us.

"Morgana's been devoured by hatred," The auburn haired queen warns him, a hand on his shoulder. "Be careful." Sue flickers her blue orbs to me. "The same goes for you, Astrid. Cassius is also devoured by hatred."

"I will," Arthur says.

I say, "As will I. For I know. My brother has been lost a long time ago. There are days when I wish I had my brother back, the boy I grew up with. But I know that can never be."

Annis says solemnly, dropping her hand, "Good allies are hard to find. I'd hate to lose one. Or two." I glance at her in slight surprise before we exchange smiles.

Arthur and I nod our heads once in gratitude before we head for our horses. We then ride out with the others to Ismere, the morning sun beating down on us.

When we stop for camp that night, Arthur lounges with the knights while I sit with my husband. We couldn't stop thinking about that vision.

I sit leaning against Merlin's side, his arm around my waist and my head on his shoulder. Merlin lightly brushes his fingers over my cheek when I flicker my gaze up to him, hearing the knights laugh behind us.

With his free hand, Merlin poops a small stone in the water.

With my eyes flashing gold, I make light dance across the surface.

A small smile is playing across Merlin's cheeks as I hear Arthur approach us from behind.

"Merlin, Astrid." I stop my magic to look up at the blonde as Merlin does too.

Merlin questions, "How can they laugh and joke?"

"Hm?" Arthur sits down next to Merlin.

"Hm?" Arthur sits down next to Merlin

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