Chapter 10, Part 2

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Astrid's P. O. V:

"You're married to her cousin?" Merlin asks in shock.

Saff nods as she says, "Yes. He's basically like our leader."

"Where is he now, Saff?" I ask.

Glancing to me, the brunette replies, "In the caves near here. I was out with some of the scouts. They've probably met with your friends by now."

"We need to regroup and stop the others before they accidentally kill each other," I say, looking to my arrow still lodged in Saff's leg, wincing. "Here, let me pull the arrow out."

"AHH!! GODDAMNIT!" Saff lets out a cry, making Merlin wince as I pull the arrow out. "Aaahhh! Warn me, next time, before you do that!!" She flares at me as I hold the blood stained arrow up for her to see.

"Didn't have time. Sorry, Saff," I say, shrugging. I then set the arrow and place my hand over the bloody wound. "Purhhaele dolgbenn." After a moment, I remove my hand to show the wound is completely healed.

"Thanks," Saff says. I hold out my hand to her and she takes it as I pull her to her feet. Saff gathers her weapons while I wipe the blood off my arrow and stash it back in my quiver.

"Let's go," I say, and they nod before we head in a direction with think Arthur might be. It wasn't long before the sounds of swords clashing ring through our ears. Bursting through the trees, we see Arthur fighting against a male elf, with brown hair that sweeps over his brown eyes, wearing a red cape.

Near them is a female elf with long, white blonde hair and green eyes welding a sword. She wears a back cape over a sleeveless black shirt and half skirt, with black pants underneath and tall black boots on her feet. She also has black fingerless gloves on her hands.

Gwen was near Arthur, sword gripped in hand. She faces off against the blonde haired elf.

"Stop!" I exclaim, rushing forward. I stand in between Arthur and the male elf, who I know is my childhood friend, Kaz, causing Arthur to stop short in surprise. The blonde is another of my childhood friend, Erza.

"Astrid! What are you doing?!" Arthur demands to know.

"They're not our enemy! You have to stop fighting him! Please!" I say, glancing back at the elf behind me pointedly. He just keeps staring at me with wide, stunned eyes. "Put down your weapons. Now!" At my harsh command, both males sheath their weapons, and Erza and Gwen do as well.

"What do you mean, they're not our enemy?" Arthur demands to know, frowning at me in confusion.

"That woman," I point to Saff who just waves cheerily at Arthur and Gwen, "is the wife of my cousin, Sirius. Saffire Belserion Ashryver. They're not the enemy. And this guy," I gesture to the brunette behind me, "is my childhood friend, Kaz. This blonde woman is also my childhood friend, Erza. I'm asking you to not fight so we can get an explanation. Something isn't right here."

"A-Astrid?" Kaz and Erza stutter, causing me to turn toward them. I nod with a small smile.

Kaz says defiantly, "No—you're dead. How can you be here?!" I was surprised by his reaction, and even more so by the glare he gives me. "You're supposed to be dead!! And you're siding with the enemy?!"

"Kaz, it's alright. I'm still alive. Prince Arthur may know who I am, but he hasn't told Uther. Neither ace the others. We can trust them," I say carefully.

"You abandoned us!!" Kaz shouts before he lunges at me, sword singing as he unsheathes it.

"Kaz!" Saff and Erza try to get to the male elf but they were too slow.

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