Chapter 29, Part 1

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Astrid's P. O. V:

I sit on a rock in a corner of the cave we've taken shelter in, in the Valley of the Fallen Kings. I was waiting for Merlin to return from foraging for food in the forest.

It's been about a week or two since Morgana took over Camelot, three days since we'd started running out of food.

For the first few nights, I'd slept next to Arthur. I did this because I knew Arthur needed someone with him, despite the Prince telling the rest of us to leave him be. I know exactly what he's going through, because Arthur knows that Morgana had once been like a sister to me, and she is Arthur's blood sister. And Cassius is my brother, working with them. I had no idea sbout his alliance with Morgause and Morgana... But, now she's betrayed us, and both she and Cassius have hurt Arthur and I.

I could barely get Arthur to talk about it, so I just left him be until he was ready. After that, I went back to sleeping with Merlin.

"Hey. You worried about Merlin?" I look up to see Elyan coming to sit next to me. I nod. "He'll be fine. I'm sure."

"I know he will be," I reply. Just then, Merlin and Gwaine appear in the entrance to the cave. I feel immense relief at the sight of Merlin. Elyan hands him the water skin, and Merlin drinks from it, but no water came out.

"I'll get some more," He volunteers.

"No, it's too dangerous," Merlin states, handing the water skin back to him.

I ask, "What happened?"

"Nothing," Merlin says before he grabs my arm and pulls me with him to the side, away from Gwaine and Elyan. "We need to do something. Morgana's men are everywhere!"

We turn our heads to look at Arthur. He's sitting in a slumped position against a few boulders, some blankets beneath him, sword propped up against the boulders, and his forehead in his hand, a defeated look on his face.

 He's sitting in a slumped position against a few boulders, some blankets beneath him, sword propped up against the boulders, and his forehead in his hand, a defeated look on his face

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Merlin says, "I'll try to cook us something for dinner."

I nod and he goes to the small fire pit. Once dinner was made, I go with him to give it to Arthur. Dinner for us tonight was rat. Just as it was the first two nights.

I remain standing as Merlin crouches before the Prince, holding out the bowl of rat stew. He nods to Arthur before saying, "It's rat." This just causes the Pendragon to sigh and cover his eyes with his hand. "Oh, believe me? You've eaten far worse! I mean, I've definitely served you things I would never have touched, but you've wolfed them down no problem."

"Merlin," Arthur interrupts, "for once, leave me in peace. Please."

"Arthur—" I begin, but he cuts me off as well.

"You too, Astrid."

I let out a sigh as Merlin sets the bowl down for him. We exchange glances and I say, "I understand. Your father lied to you about Morgana. Neither Merlin nor I know why. We're sure he had his reasons, but now is not the time for that. He's still your father. He needs you—Camelot needs you!"

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