Chapter 46, Part 1

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Astrid's P. O. V:

"Do you really have to go, Astrid?" Merlin asks me as I make my way down the castle steps to where a guard is minding Bella, a blue saddle cloth under the elegant saddle, Gwen and the other knights already mounted. I'd changed into my blue dress and my blue cloak over my shoulders. My brown leather forearm length gloves are on my hands.

 My brown leather forearm length gloves are on my hands

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"I want to spend some more time with my friend, Merlin," I reply as we reach the bottom of the stairs and I turn to him

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"I want to spend some more time with my friend, Merlin," I reply as we reach the bottom of the stairs and I turn to him.

Merlin is holding Lil as he asks, "Okay. But just promise you'll be safe?"

I smile softly as I reply, "Always." I first kiss Merlin's lips, then Lila's cheeks. "Be good, sweetheart. I'll be back in time for dinner."

"Okay, mother," The dark haired girl chimes, and I see Gwen and the knights smile at them.

I go up to my beautiful dapple gray Andalusian mare and gracefully swing myself into the saddle, my sword attached to the side and my dagger strapped to my waist.

I spare my husband a last smile before we all turn our horses around and canter out of the courtyard.

A few weeks have passed since Arthur and the others met a messenger sorcerer named Osage, who has been sent by the Disir to give Arthur a Rune Mark. Mordred had gotten injured while trying to protect Arthur when they went to see the Disir and Arthur had to decide whether or not magic should return to Camelot.

He's decided against it and the Disir accepted. Only, Mordred ended up recovering.

I'm now riding beside Gwen and Elyan to their father's grave sight with the other knights. I'd just really wanted to spend more time with the Queen.

After Gwen and Elyan visit their father's grave, we mount our horses again and ride back to Camelot.

"I think he'd be proud," Says Leon, riding beside Elyan as Gwaine rides on my left.

"Particularly of Elyan," Gwen says, smiling.


"Not just because you're a knight, but because of the man you've become."

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