Chapter 21

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Astrid's P. O. V:

Bellatrix's hooves thunder across the forest floor as the greenery blurs past me. I ride with no saddle or bridle as we gallop this morning.

I grip onto the mare's long brown mane as we ride, and when a wide log nears us, I lean forwards and Bella leaps over it, before landing smoothly. We resume galloping at a steady pace for Camelot, sweat coating my mare's sides.

In about an hour or two, we gallop through the city, the people dodging out of the way, and into the main courtyard.

I tug on Bella's mane for her to halt and she rears as she does, whinnying.

I laugh as Bella settles down and pat her firm neck before I slide off her back. I then take Bella for a run down before putting her back in her stall with some fresh water.

Then I leave the stables and head into the palace. On my way to my chambers, I bump into Arthur and Merlin.

"Oh. Good morning, Merlin, Arthur," I greet, smiling at them.

"Queen Astrid. Good morning. I take it your ride was enjoyable?" Arthur responds, and I nod my head.

"Yes, it was." I then notice the solemn expressions on the men's faces and knew instantly that something was wrong. I ask wearily, "What is it?"

"Astrid, I don't know how to tell you this, but... your cousin, Sirius, and his wife, Saffire, were caught when they were travelling through Camelot and are sentenced to be executed this morning," Arthur says, making my heart sink.

"No," I breathe, shaking my head defiantly. "No. I won't allow Uther to..."

I go to turn but Arthur catches my arm, causing me to whip a glare to him. He says gently, "I'm sorry, Astrid. I've tried to persuade my  father to release them, but he wouldn't listen. By now, they're on their way to the executioner's block."

I feel tears prick my eyes at this news. "Wh-Why would they come to Camelot?"

Merlin says, "They came here looking for you, Astrid. They needed you, but they got caught instead. Though, Sirius and Saffire didn't mention you in court. I went to ask them. I'm so sorry."

I look down as Arthur says, "Merlin, look after her. I'll handle my father."

Merlin nods and wraps an arm around my shoulders as he begins leading me to his room in the Physician's Quarters. Once there, I could hear the drums beating like they did when Thomas James Collins was executed, making my heart pound rapidly in my chest.

Merlin shuts the door and we sit on his bed, away from the window. My heart rate picks up as Merlin tightens his arms around me, holding me close to him. After a few moments, I feel pain stab through my heart and Merlin presses my face into his chest as I cry, the sound muffled by his shirt.

Merlin refuses to let go of me as I cry into his chest, and we remain that way for the rest of the day, Merlin stroking my hair soothingly.


I'd cried myself to sleep by the time I'd calmed down somewhat and Merlin had left, leaving me in his bed. I'd eaten a small dinner and Merlin allowed me to have his bed for the night, but I still had a fitful sleep, my sleep plagued by nightmares.

The next morning, I drag myself out of bed, my hair a mess and my eyes red rimmed and puffy from crying. I slowly step down to the main room of the Physician Quarters, seeing Merlin and Gaius already awake and eating breakfast.

"Ah. Your Grace. Good morning," Says Gaius.

"Good morning, Astrid," Merlin says, smiling softly, and, despite the horrors of yesterday, his smile makes my heart flutter in my chest, and the shadows around it lift.

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