Chapter 51, Part 2

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Astrid's P. O. V:

Gaius and I gallop into the main courtyard, our horse's hooves thundering on the cobbles. We stop before the stairs.

I stroke her strong neck as Bella snorts and we're greeted by Sir Gwaine

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I stroke her strong neck as Bella snorts and we're greeted by Sir Gwaine.

Gwaine takes my and Gaius's horses, and we dismount.

As a couple of guards come to take our horses to the stables, I feel Gwaine staring at me as we head inside the castle. When Gaius, Gwaine, and I reach the top of the stairs to the first floor, we're immediately greeted by an anxious Gwen and Lila, the young girl in her purple dress.

"Gaius! Astrid!" She gasps, running up to us.

"Mummy!!" My daughter exclaims, throwing herself on me and nearly knocking me over, though I chuckle slightly.

"My Lady," We return, and I avert my eyes as I bend to pick up my daughter, kissing her cheeks as she buries her face in my shoulder.

At that moment, I want nothing more than to get home and bury myself in bed with a book as soon as we're finished here.

"Tell me!" Gwen presses.

"He's alive," Gaius responds, crossing his arms. Gwen gasps in immense relief as she puts her right hand to her face.

Gwaine questions with a puzzled frown, "Then, why isn't he with you?"

"He's wounded," I state, causing Gwen to look up at me. I hand my daughter over to Gwaine so I could hold out the royal seal with the tiny winged dragon carved into it to the Queen. "He wanted me to give you this, My Lady."

Gwen looks ready to burst into tears as she takes the ring from me.

"Where is he?" She asks desperately.

"There is a place where he may be saved. Merlin is taking him there as we speak."

Gwen says, "Then we will send the knights. Ready as many men as you can. And I trust you'll be joining, Astrid?" The knight nods his head but I stop him, meeting the Queen's gaze.

"Ah, no, My Lady. Merlin can cope by himself."

"Merlin?" Gwen asks in disbelief, brown eyes full of worry.

"You must trust him. As I trust him," I say calmly.

"How can one man be as strong as an army?!" Gwen demands frantically.

Gaius says before I could, "Morgana's forces are still searching for Arthur. Two men travelling alone stand a much better chance of evading her. Especially if she has no idea where they're heading."

After that, Gaius and I warn Gwen and Gwaine of Eira being a traitor and spy, and we make our plans to flush her out.

That night, a feast is held to celebrate our victory over the Saxons. I'd changed into my light purple gown with the opal crescent moon jewellery set, with my hair in a waterfall braid, and Lila is wearing a green dress with yellow sections, which also has long, lace sleeves with slits down the sides, and Chad is wearing a long sleeved black shirt and pants with a red jacket thrown over it.

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