Chapter 22, Part 2

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Astrid's P. O. V:

Merlin, Arthur and I reach Camelot by nightfall, and after putting the horses away, Merlin and Arthur carry the unconscious Gwaine to the Physician's Quarters. The males gently place Gwaine on my side of the bed.

I stand between Merlin and Gaius as his uncle unties the bandages and examines the wound. He instructs Merlin, "Merlin, fetch me some fresh water, towels, needle and silk thread."

"Oh, don't forget the honey," I tell the warlock.

"Right. Honey," He mutters, nodding in understanding.

Gaius says to him in astonishment, "You're learning."

Seeing Arthur's puzzled frown, I explain, as Merlin goes to fetch the required items, "Helps fight the infection."

Arthur asks Gaius, concern in his voice, "Will he be alright?"

"Well, he's strong," Gaius murmurs, going back to the wound.

"He's that alright. The man saved my and Astrid's life, Gaius," Arthur says, causing Gaius to look from me to the Prince. "He's to be given anything he needs." On his way out, Arthur comes to me and squeezes my shoulder comfortably. I smile back at him gently before the blue eyed male takes his leave.

As I help Gaius tend to the wound, I tell him what Arthur had meant when he said Gwaine had saved my life today.

When we finish treating the brunette, I head back to my chambers for bed.

The next morning, I dress in my purple off the shoulder dress with my hair brushed out as I leave and carry a tray of food and water up to Merlin's chambers. I wanted to check on our patient. I open the door and stop short when I see Gwaine sitting up in bed, leaning on his elbows.


My face turns hot slightly especially at the grin he gives me, as I enter the room

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My face turns hot slightly especially at the grin he gives me, as I enter the room. "Never thought I'd wake up to the sight of an Angel. What am I doing in this bed?"

"You were wounded. Arthur wanted to make sure you were treated by his Physician. I helped tend to your wound, by the way," I reply.

"You helped to heal me? Arthur?" Gwaine murmurs.

"Of course. I'm interested in healing. Prince Arthur," I introduce. I smile softly at him. "And I'm Queen Astrid. You saved his life. And mine."

"If I'd known who you were, I probably would've have," Gwaine says, grunting as he tugs the pillow up for better cushioning. My smile begins to fade at this. "You're both nobles."

I say with furrowed brows as I sit in a chair on my side of the bed, and set the tray down on my nightstand, Gwaine's satchel hanging on a hook above it, "Yeah, but he's a good man, and I'm really kind to my servants and my subjects. I'm even friends with two servants, but I still don't treat them as such."

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