Chapter 6, Part 3

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Merlin's P. O. V:

I leave Astrid's chambers, heading for Gaius's to get supplies.

I hated how I left things with Astrid, but this is something I needed to do. Astrid was hardly ever wrong about things, especially if she's trusting her instincts and visions. But the last time she'd had a vision, was when Arthur was almost sacrificed to the faeries of Avalon, but I'd managed to safe him. Surely, I can still save this Druid boy and Arthur, despite Astrid's visions...? Or what Kilgarrah said...?

And while Astrid may have lived for over a thousand years and could be the wisest person in this castle, I never really see her as old. She looks not a day older than twenty, my age. I could only ever guess the hell she's been through these past thousand years, all the pain, loss and suffering.

Even now, Astrid's eyes still hold a dullness to them, like even though she's finally starting to open up to everyone, there is still sadness lingering deep within Astrid's heart—a type of sadness that may never be healed.

I'm still going to try and be that person, to help Astrid heal of the pain of her past, so she may never be alone again. Even if I'm never always around for her, considering she's immortal.

I may not like how I'd ended things with Astrid, the beautiful, kindhearted and strong warrior Queen, but that wouldn't change how I feel about her. Nothing ever could. But it makes me wonder if Astrid really could stand to let a Druid boy die just because of what she saw in her dream... I highly doubt that Astrid could be that cold hearted...

I could never understand, though I will try to, as she's trying to open up to us.

I wish for nothing more than to be held in the Faery Queen's arms as her smiling face appears in my mind, a warm glow about her features that seems to take away the darkness in her eyes, if only for a moment.

Astrid's P. O. V:

Two days have passed since my conversation with Merlin. I'd finished training with the knights and Jas is currently helping Gwen with her chores, while I sit in my chambers, reading.

I'm wearing my long sleeved blue dress with my hair in a waterfall braid with my locket around my neck, and blue heart earrings and ring.

I look up when there's a knock on my door, and call, "Come in." I was a little surprised to see Gaius walk into my room. I set my book down as I turn to him. "Gaius. What is it?"

"It's about the Druid boy. Did you know Morgana and Merlin are hiding him in her chambers?"

I nod my head. "Yes. I found them the other day." Since Mordred had been wounded and I'd refused to help heal him, Merlin would've had to go to Gaius for help. That would've been how he'd known. "You know I couldn't have told you, Gaius."

"He's so reckless! He shouldn't have made such a brash decision."

"Merlin may be stubborn, Gaius, but the only thing we can do for right now is to give him advice in anyway that we can. There's no changing that mind of his. Despite my trust issues, I trust Merlin more than anyone else in this world," I tell him, smiling at the thought.

"You're right, Your Grace," Gaius sighs. Ever since we'd gotten back, people have been calling me by those titles again, but I didn't stop them this time.

I feel that Merlin has brought me out of my darkness and helped me defeat my inner demons. I knew then I was no longer alone in this world, and I had something and someone to fight for. To live for.

And I owe it all to Merlin, my best friend, soulmate, and destiny.

Yes. Now I have defeated the darkness inside me, and with Merlin at my side, I know I can overcome anything.

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