Chapter 12, Part 2

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Astrid's P. O. V:

Once I was calmed down enough, my trembling having finally ceased completely due to Merlin rubbing soothing circles into my back, he pulls back but keeps his arms around me as he asks, his voice and storm tossed eyes soft, "Are you alright now, Astrid?"

"I'll be okay. I think," I breathe, Merlin's gaze never once leaving mine. "Thank you for coming. I didn't think you would."

Smiling gently, he says assuringly, "I'll come whenever you call for me, Astrid. What was the nightmare about?"

"I saw a raven," I reply, causing him to frown. "It... It was terrifying... I don't think I can go back to sleep." I hang my head as I sniffle slightly.

"Hey, I'll stay with you as long as you need me to. But you should try and go back to sleep," Merlin says as he cups my chin gently and tilts my head up.

"What about you, though? It's usually Jas who stays with me when I'm like this."

"I really don't mind, Astrid. I won't ever leave you if you don't want me to," Says Merlin. I nod my head gratefully. Merlin and I lie down and he pulls the blankets up to our shoulders. He then cups my head in his hands gently as he promises me, his gaze locked onto mine, "I won't let anymore nightmares or visions get to you. I promise you'll be safe with me, Astrid."

I nod my head again before Merlin kisses my forehead, letting his lips linger for a moment, before he pulls me against his chest, and wraps his arms tightly around me.

I soon fall asleep to the feeling of Merlin stroking my hair, and I didn't get that same vision again. When I wake up the next morning, I was still trapped in Merlin's arms, partially sprawled over his chest, my hair falling over my shoulder.

I blink my eyes a few times as Jas walks in, smirking at me and tugs the curtains open. I blush in embarrassment as Merlin groans when the sunlight hits his face. He then buries his face into the top of my head.

"M-Merlin," I stutter slightly.

"Just a few more minutes," He groans, tightening his arms around me.

I blush a bit more as I say, "Jas is here, and you have to go do your chores. I don't want to move, either, but we have to."

Merlin seems to freeze at the mention of Jas, and he jerks his head up to see said maid standing at the foot of the bed, wearing a pink dress, giggling.

Merlin's eyes glare wide and he jerks away from me, leaning up on his elbows. "J-Jas!"

"Don't worry. I know why you're here, and I won't tell anyone," She says. Merlin sighs in relief. He glances Ryo me sadly before reluctantly dragging himself out of bed.

Merlin fixes up his hair as I say, "Merlin? Thank you for last night. I'm really sorry about all that."

"Like I said: it's fine. I don't mind if you need me to stay when you have a vision or nightmare, Astrid," Merlin replies before he turns and leaves.

I drag myself out of bed and Jas helps me to get dressed in my white dress outfit and my hair in a half braid, half ponytail.

I read my book while I wait for her to return with breakfast, and a knock soon sounds on my door.

I call for them to enter and it was Merlin, not Jas who walks in, carrying a tray of bread, cheese, ham and a goblet of water.

"I thought you might like some breakfast, Astrid," Merlin says, stopping before my dining table. "It was meant for Arthur, but Cedric has already brought him his breakfast." I furrow my brows at that. That Cedric guy has really been taking over Merlin's job lately... "But, if you don't want it..."

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