Chapter 40, Part 2

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Astrid's P. O. V:

After walking for sometime, Merlin, Arthur and I come across some people and a horse drawn carriage.

Merlin turns to Arthur as he instructs him, pointing to the ground, "Wait. Here."

Arthur nods in understanding then Merlin and I go to have a closer look. The people look to be putting some crates and boxes in the carriage, and on the back.

I tense up when I feel something sharp poke my back, and I graze my fingers against Merlin's arm to get his attention as I turn my head. Beside me is a beautiful blonde woman with her hair in a braid over her left shoulder, a pendant around her neck, wearing a black sleeveless top and black pants, a sword sheath strapped to her left waist. She also has striking, icy blue eyes.

The woman smiles slyly at us as she says, "Hello!"

The woman smiles slyly at us as she says, "Hello!"

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It's also started raining.

We grab Arthur and hesitantly go with the blonde woman to her leader. She tells the man, leaning behind a tree, "I found them lurking in the woods." We step around the tree as the woman leaves us and see a tall, lean man with thin blonde hair, sharpening his sword.

He asks us boredly, "You see anything interesting?"

Merlin and I say in unison, "No." I gasp and grab his arm to yank Merlin down, and even Arthur ducks, as the blonde man throws the knife at us. It spins over our heads and embeds itself in a tree.

The man hisses, "You want to watch where you stick your beaks, boy, girl!"

I say hurriedly, as we straighten, "We didn't see anything, we promise! We were just passing through!"

"They've no horses, no supplies, nothing," The blonde woman says before turning away.

The man questions, "Like to travel light, do you?"

Merlin and I exchange glances as he utters, "Something like that."

"So, where are you headed?" The man asks.

"North, over the border," Merlin replies carefully.

"Loch's kingdom!" He pushes away from the tree to step over to us. "He doesn't take kindly to strangers, I can tell you. I stood decorating his fortress with enemy heads."

I ask smartly, "So, why are you heading there?"

Flickering his blue eyes to mine, the man answers vaguely, "I have my reasons."


"I agree with her!" Arthur says dumbly, his arms crossed.

"What's wrong with your friend?"

Merlin responds quickly, "He's a simpleton, he can't help it."

"Look after him, do you?" The blonde man inquired tersely.

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