Chapter :32 hello again

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drake's P.o.V
gripping the Manila folder tighter after reading the mind boggling report. The paternal test that will change so many lives once this comes out in the open . How will chyna take the news?i wondered my poor mated had been on an emotional rollercoaster with me through this whole thing. In Astonishment the whole world had momentaily stopped everyone frozen in mid stride. I looked around waving my hand in front of the perpetually frozen figures. It could mean only one thing...I heard a menial ever laughter behind me . How was she resurrected???!! She was entombed in a sarcophagus millenniums ago..

"Are you satisfied you got your revenge now leave my family alone." I  snapped as a hooded figure walked out the rooms shadows. "My revenge is far from finished this is only the beginning" she laughed maniacal. I jumped at her Falling straight through the hooded figure onto the hard wooden deck . You will never get away with this I vowed your not fully regenerated yet I see I cheekfully said through clinched teeth.

"All in good time ...I already have and you helped me get one step closer to what I desire" The hooded figure softly spoke.

And what is that you want? I asked

Silence stretched for what felt like an eturnity . As the dagger within her hand glistened I the light. The sharp silver plated blade slide effortlessly into my shoulder drawing blood. SHe twisted the blade sideways before pulling it out . "What I want is ...your just going to have to find out . This is going to be a blood moon celebration to remember"She minacally laughed. The sound of her laughter made my insides shiver in horror.

The hooded figure picked me up and bit into the now mangled flesh . After licking her newly blood stained chops. She Effortlessly threw me to the floor walking over my bleeding form. " I will raise your children as my own evil span.."she chuckled at the mere thought amused him.

No,she won't fall for your tricks as the masked figure shown me a glimpse of her pristine face as my vision blurred. I reached out only to be kicked repeatedly for even trying to touch her ."I will be feared and worshipped once again I will make you remember who I am ." S He screamed as she flicked her cape in a swirling motion. Her powerS increased A sudden wind tunnel formed around her form . making her instantly disappear within a swirling vortex . I blinked as everyone unfroze from their solidified state . Chyna dropped to her knees before me soaking her good dress. in the dark puddle. She put both hands upon my gaping wound. A evil voice echoed upon the wind " goodbye drake."

Goodbye mother


Thank you soo much for reading my work!! I hope you liked it as much as I like writing it. If your enthralled with the story .if you thought death becomes her was a roller coaster of action, drama, and romance . Wait til you can read the next book in the series. I attached a teaser/excerpt of blood moon rises .once again thank you and appreciate you reading my work

♥️lulu greg

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