Part 23 :wedding part #1

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Amelia P. O.V

I felt better today even though Gemini world was falling apart.

I had to get away I transported to ash's apartment I knocked on the door. Giving him some privacy at least. He opened up looking like he didn't sleep a wink. "Mia. Sorry been pulling shift with  jazmine at the hospital. Tyler is better. I let out a breathe that i didn't know I was holding. You mated finally .. is he treating u right. He snarled..
Ash I need a favor ,i need a date to for tonight it's going down tonight.

He rubbed his neck why cant your mate take you?i rolled my eyes ash you know they will kill him on the spot if he shows his face. Plus his step brother knows I mated an alpha ... and your kinda a lion alpha ... gross he exclaimed.  No ... no Mia . I gave him puppy dog eyes he couldn't resist. Ok .you first born is my god baby . Deal! I shook his hand . He went dress in a very expensive suit and tie. He took out his .38 special form holders and reloaded. My eyes widened as he clicked the clip into place. What's that for ? He smiled" there the peacekeepers" as I call it. Never leave home without them.  I transported us to Gemini's bedroom . Conner came busting into the room as we emergaged from the smoke.

" intruder !"he growled ash brushed him off as he gave a warming growl. " beta stand down pup or I will teach you manners . The manners you need when you approach an alpha. Your lucky I don't kill you for the first offense."

Ash why  did you just warm Conner but almost fight my drake? I asked . He shook his head alpha only challenge alphas . Beta ,gamma,and omegas don't pose no threat they can't bring down an alpha. "Like hell we can" Conner growled I took him by the scruff of his neck. Cool it.bata!

Conner whined as gemini came out in a frilly white dress .that  looked like a dress from the 60's when big hair and big dresses where in.
She cringed as she looked at it. I did the same for her it was hideous for her or anyone.

The Luna busted in
What are you doing here ? Ash put his arm around my shoulders showing possesion."my mate wants me here ."

The Luna's mouth dropped open as her eyes widdened.  I thought you.....she gritted her teeth. Two hours til we line up..

I can't wait to hear that on our special day. Drake I walked out to get some air with the Luna's heavy floral perfume and so many people in one small area I need to breathe . I walked into the garden a lot of warm memories came flooding back. I heard my name from behind the bushes . 

I came face to face with my brother Zander . I instantly hugged him . His hair had grown longer and his face more shrunk into itself. He looked like he had battled a sickness of some kind.
Zander warm hug is just what I need as I feel a prick and warmth spread through out my arm.
I gazed into his cold eyes uncaring eyes this wasn't the warm fun loving brother I once had. What had happened to him. He caressed my cheek .  Here's a secret your mate wanted me to keep ... he is gonna give you to Conner once he get what he wants.. his pack  .. your not his your bond was broken when Conner injected your . You know I'm true do you feel his connection as before. His vemonous words sank in I couldn't even after the consumation of the mating. Your cursed .....say it Amelia.  I invoke the darkness let it be my ruler. As you once did.

I felt a hallowness as I said them i could feel the darkness take over and as centuries before . I embraced it. Zander kisses my head this is your true form.  He put upon his hood .. wait that is suppose to mean something important to me. Who is James beta ?

I walked in I looked at my face in the bathroom mirror as I braided my once black hair. When the darkness takes over my hair looses its pigments turning it white. I made dark Smokey eyes makeup giving me a deranged Elsa from
Frozen look . I smiled as I put on a crimson red lipstick . 

Mate.. I chanted in a sing song voice. here I come winking as I left.

Gemini has already gone down the stairs toward pack square the event was even more bigger than expected. Silk fabric hung from light post to the center giving a tenting affect . Flowers wreaths of all colors littered each door way. It reminded her of spring in the isles. Where she had lived when she was a youn lass she missed the Moore's and grassy plains of her mother country.
The podium in the centers were the masses had gathered slowly backed away as she approached.slowly as a predictor stalking its  inspecting prey. They had fear within their eyes  as I licked my lips.

Gemini POV

This had been horrible day to walk towards the podium but to see Amelia coming down the street in all leather wild look in her eyes and crimson lips

I screamed  "Drake get ur as down here we have a problem."

James looked terrified  as he and Mia made eye contact. She licked her lips .. "Mia what's wrong ?" Distracting her for a moment til drake can take care of his mate.

For the first time in centuries I feel like I should be. She gazed at James with malice intent. The Luna stepped in front of James. If you will kill someone it will be me.

For I killed my husband alpha Patrick. James answered " mother don't"

"I did he begged for his life and  the lives of the pack" they growled what she had just admitted.

Mia smiled and waved her index finger back and forth . Lies won't save him. Talk James tell them the truth . How you hired Brittany even though it was a "death mission".  Putting a hit on alpha drake  that alone it's death sentence. Oh but you had to take Brittany down because ... Mia cracked her nuckles because Brittany was your fathers lover that was there the night you murdered him. She helped you quarter him . Your mother found out and told everyone she had done it for your sake.
I know why you killed alpha Patrick .

To be continued. ...

Cliff hanger

What you think about Mia embrassing the darkness.

This is the only first revelation
lulu greg❤️

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