Chapter 24: wedding part#2

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Let me recap sorry
for the crude blunt recap..

James killed alpha Patrick not his mom . Brittany was bumping uglies with the alpha.She helped James with the crime to cover his tracks. he gave brittany a "death mission ..Bam she's dead ... but why ?

Third person view

Tears streamed down gemini face my poor father.

I know why three reasons :
One Patrick gave me to drake and not you .. two the council paid you to and third he tried to be like a father figure to you but you knew who your father was. 

You monster..... you set up your own father... Mia screamed. Rufus the incubus is your biological father . You knew our past and used it against him. For me to kill him.  Conner let out a heart aching howl and turned on his brother. "Oh ,don't look so shocked Luna that I'm airing out all your dirty laundry.

You knew what your son did and you covered it up letting the other son think it's his fault .

You Luna hated Patrick cause he accepted your boys as his own but their father didn't. It broke your heart so you did anything in your power to make him miserable.

James your not smart enough to orchestrate all this by yourself  .the master mind is  Zander came out of the shadows . Me ! He announced. Drake stopped dead In his tracks his gamma was the mole. He growled as Titus raged to get out.

Ash roared as Zander approached "you might ask me why I will tell you why . He pointed a finger at drake you killed my mate my beautiful Brittany. Then he pointed to James you gave her "death mission". I wanted my revenge .

"Mate"Ash gritted out "what  about Kia?"
He started to laugh "I only married her to hurt you . To take something that meant the world to you . I never loved her.., I stole your mate"
Ask pounced on him "I hate you !"
"I hated you first"

Zander pushed a button as They changed . Mia started to shake her once beautiful eyes went pitch black . Drake tried to calm her down .

"Baby stay with me" He pleaded
Oh so you can throw me away  ...your not my mate..... she growled trans porting .  Drake jumped as she vanished this has gone from bad to worse. The Luna ran at the first sign of trouble."coward" Gemini called .. she rafter  when bunny attacked "he will marry me !"
Get off of me psycho bitch you can have him. She scarped her fingers across Gemini face.
Gemini threw her into a table shattering the table and the wooden spike ran through bunny heart instantly killing her. .conner helped her up. Are you ok?
Yeah but she ain't?
Gemini slapped "him how did you not know that Zander was behind all of this." I did but i just recently found out when Rufus was killed I tapped Zander's phone it's "location was in town I thought it was broken so I didn't pay attention.

A roar! they ran out to find Zander 's limp body under drake not ash. He was talking to Brittany's family . They were distraught that their daughter did things they  did know about.
Drake came over Zander blood covered his muzzle. Titus had taken over before he fought for his life. Zander hated him that he killed brittany.

The swirl of smoke as Mia appeared her black eyes still evil as she dropped of blood and who knows what else. Jacob walked out from behind her Gemini ran into his arms. He nuzzled and kissed her. My mate how.?

"Well,my sister went through all the soldiers as if they were nothing . She found me and teleported is here. I never want to leave you again."Thank you Mia she was already walking towards Conner what side are you on?the answer will either mean life or death.

Then I Luna Amelia Sophia Quinn  luna of the dark moon pack.  issue a warrent for the capture of ex Luna dead or alive for the crimes against the pack and alpha.

Yes he ran off.

Drake ran off after James. They reached a clearing he spoke
I alpha drake Quinn challenge you James Quinn t fight for the rank of alpha.

Then so be it . Titus hopped around joyfully finally . They transformed into their wolves this is til death.

Wow I like wedding but this mush be the most craziest unmarriage ever


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