Chapter :33 epilouge

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Mia's P.O.V

Hours later ...

After the text from drake informing me  that the paternity test results have arrived and that he wanted to urgently talk . It would mean one of two things : he is or isn't the father . If he isn't then who is ?! I sarcastically thought. Knowing the only other person was not on a talking basis with me. It took me a few minutes to arrive at the meeting cite. I was expecting the bakery ,a cafè, or even my office to meet. A public place to civilly all I'm asking for. for gosh stakes  Out of all places to meet a cemetery at midnight .an eerie fog started to slowly encroach in the horizons. A chill sent down my spine made the hairs upon my arms stand on end. An uneasy feeling settled within in my core. I called  drake's number to see when and or if he was coming.

The round moon above illuminated the area. As the fog became thicker around my ankles. I could barely see the light illuminating from the phone at my feet. I grabbed the blood soaked phone that was propped against a weathered head stone. My blood ran cold  at the sight of the caller ID had my picture upon the screen. Drake I screamed into the silence. My screams echoed in the silent dark night. To my shock I now noticed the I looked down to see my head stone . A bloody hand print smeared across my birth name .

Amelia Chantal La Fete
Born June 25,1642
Died June 25,1662

Drake this isn't funny I screamed come on let's get this over with...( silence) as I stumbled away from the bloody headstone towards a destination unknown. At some point I lost my shoes in the scramble to flee. My bare feet skid in the newly dug grave near the peach tree . The freshly blossomed peach blooms sweet smell was masked by the smell of fresh blood. My mouth watered I had to fight the urge to follow the smell.

In the distance on the other side of the tree I stumbled upon a couple. They were entwined in what it seemed like a lover's embrace.  I wanted to divert my eyes away from their special moment. in the Moonlite summer's  night I noticed two  distinct things .the guy's limp arms dangled across the hooded figures shoulders . The guy had a full crown of curly dark locks. That surrounded his head like an angelic halo . I instantly recognized Tony ;the once energetic free spirited teen.  that baked and supplied me with my doughnut fix every morning. Tony ....the baker's teenage nephew and Full Moon Inc's unfounded mission .I spent the last four months trying to find. Now, I finally find him but not in the way I had had initially imagined. I initially hope to find him shacked up with another teenage girl. in some cheesy hotel room on the outskirts of town. An Easy open and closed case for Full Moon Inc.  Not being a food source  for some monster in a cemetery. I screamed as the hooded figure dropped his limp body .he crumpled to the hard ground ant the past of the peach tree. Ironically A stray peach blossom drifted down from its branches. Laying gracefully upon Tony's blood stained cheek. The scene looked as if the looming tree was crying for poor tony . I ran as fast as I could without falling . My swollen midsection made the feat more trickier due to my imbalance. I pressed the unconscious teen to my chest growling in a protective warning. " he is mine"I hissed grasping the teen tighter. The hooded figure held no more interest in his limp form. "So protective ... so much untapped evil power .. you will do ..hybrid.."she proudly stated. She only stared at me in unfazed interests as she watched me frantically ripped the him of my gown. I assume that She got what she desired from him. Tony I pressed my hands to his wound . His warm blood gushed between my fingers as I tried in vain to stop the bleeding .

Til we meet again hybrid is all she eeerily said The hooded figure vanished in a swirling vortex. The dense fog swirled around the vortex as it spun . Once the vortex desolated the fog was completely vanished also. Leaving the night as it had started. I had no other choice but to manually close the wound by licking his wound. The wound itself was deeply torn and my saliva wound only heal the wound so much.

Help please help me !!!I screamed as I now noticed oncoming midnight visitors. Stolling aimlessly in the cemetery .the near by church bells rang out its signifying that it's officially midnight.

Help ....

This is the end of the first book of the book of the series. Thank you so much for reading, votes, and comments . It wouldn't have been possible to write this without your support. I included a excerpt of the second book Blood Moon rises.

Lulu greg❤️

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