Chapter 14 : the attack

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Gemini P.O.V
  "Momma who?" I stared blankly at Mia as if she sprouted another head. Mia smiled my adoptive mom . She explained that she was turned into a vampire at the age of 16 . Her sister ran away when their family got slaughtered by their maker. She was left to die when  momma c found her. She adopts young shapeshifter giving them a home and family there 10 of us including my sister . Tyler's momma c's only biological child . There Tyler, Jacob ,me ,Carmen,Susie ,ash ,Zander , Danny ,jazmine and nick . There is only four grand kids Penelope ,piper, Ian , carter and one on the way. The girls are for Carmen you met them already . Ian is Zander and kia's son then there is carter for jazmine she's a proud single parent she lives w momma c. She's getting up in the age so she needs assistance and company.

Where here I'm so sorry for all the talking. I wish I could take ur brother here one day she said  under her breathe. I played it off as if I didn't hear the last part. We walked to a blue house with a wrap around pourch. It was quaint nothing like pack house so was use to. This felt more like home than she ever felt before. Drake would love it here. They walked in it smelt of baked bread and cinnamon.  A short round woman with a warm smile greeted her. " I'm momma c aren't you the prettiest thing. What kind of shifter are you?
" thank you ma'am I'm a Gemini lycan " she shifted slightly .  I'm  beaver shifter my late husband built this home. We were the first house in misty hallow. She lead her to the hall filled with pictures this is my boys and grand babies and my girls . I have a feeling your gonna be on the wall soon. I know these things she winked.

"Momma C come quick Tyler has been attacked  and he's in the hospital ." A burley man around 6 foot ,Ash ,ran into the front door. Momma C cried out " girls front and center !" Mia came running out with her cake in hand and a beautiful caramel skinned with bouncy black curls she yet be jazmine carried little   Carter. Momma c ran her family with the efficacy of a general. Gemini was impressed she didn't expect this from the elderly woman.  "Ash you take Mia and Gemini to inform your brothers. Jazz and I will take the little ones to the hospital. Ash, please don't fight with Zander when he says he can't make it . " ash bowed " yes momma".

They got into his red 64 pick up and barrowed down the  old dirty road towards town. Ash's brows drawn in concertration when Mia spoke between bites. Ash this is my friend Gemini ...she left out the part where my brother is her mate. He's totally gorgeous in a linebacker kind of way broad shoulders to a tapered waist . He would have Been their perfect captain of the guard for her pack. He grunted in response . We drove in silence til we got to a huge house.

A tiny brunette came out and greeted us a child around 7 year hid behind her til he seen Ash get out of the pickup . " My buddy Ian !  Hows football season going. I looked at the small brunette she had a warm glow about her . I whispered to Mia " she is with child ". Mia beamed and flung herself at the tiny brunette "

Kia is true your having another one" she beamed "it's a girl but Zander doesn' t know yet he's been in California for the last three months directing a new movie.

Ash growled " he should be here taking care of you and Ian"we understood Ash's view Zander is needed at home not off to remote place for months on end. " Tyler's been attacked and in the hospital. Momma just said to tell you . Kia rubbed her belly  I'm gonna ag pack a bag for Tyler then see you there.

Gemini was surprised everyone knew their duty . How many times have they done this? Ash put down Ian he ran for his mother I could see the longing in his blue eyes he blink them away .

Mia explained Jacob is a recluse he lives miles away from town almost boarding her land . Jacob the name gave her tingles upon her skin. Her wolf perked up as they came closer to his log cabin. Mate .

The truck stopped she took off running towards the house and pounced on a very surprised jacob. She strattled his hips pinning him in the dusty groundHis icy blue eyes wide as he stared at her a faint scar went from his dark hair line to mid cheek it gave him a rouged look . A heart stopping smile he nuzzled into her neck as he gripped her hips . Mia came closer jacob gave a warning growl .picked Gemini as if she weigh nothing . Gemini purred into his neck he relaxed. Ash held out his hands " whoa bro ,we're not the enemy. What's going on"?  Jacob wolf growled out "mate"as advanced upon. Mia shocked expression said it all.  Gemini rubbed Jacobs mucular chest " baby ur brother Tyler in the hospital let's go please" he gazed at her lovingly at his mate . at that moment he realized . He would give her anything she wanted to see her smile.He ran towards the house and tossed her the keys . Ever  drove a motorcycle kitten?  I smiled " you complete me . He ushered her towards black Harley
. When she heard the purr of the motor  she knew she wasn't gonna let him go.

Sorry guys been busy with family happy New Years. Follow me please! Lulu greg❤️ I need 29 likes if y'all want another chapter

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