Chapter 6: doughnuts and peanut butter

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Amelia P.O.V
  The sunlight assulted my eyes and the pounding in my head continued. Mia felt like she got hit by a Mac truck that was carrying a load of metal pipes. A worried Leon and phoebe were standing by my taped up door. I lay on my vintage couch that momma C (my adoptive mom) gave me. She always say " you can never have an office without a couch" . It was my gift when we got this building . She was so right I spend more time here at work then in my two room house. Someday I should just sell the house and move in here.
     "Leon what u doing here so early" Mia moaned Leon looked at phoebe with a grave look. Phoebe had the clothes she wore three days ago " Amelia, u were attacked two days ago. Connor called me and Leon when he found you in the cemetery unconscious . There was... a death ..
Brittany o' Brier is dead killed by some kind of monster .

Mia's throat went Dyer than the Sahara desert.....dead.

Did I loose control ?
What happened that night ? Did she kill her ? Unanswered questions ran through her mind .

Leon how long I've been out? Leon paled two days we thought u were dead . Mia looked down at her shredded bloody clothes . Phoebe came close as you would a wounded animal .

"Here some fresh clothes I got from your house." She dangled her set of my house key like a toddler with a new toy. "hunny, This was by your body when Connor found you . A simple brown bag containing doughnuts and a jar of peanut butter. Her two favorite comfort foods. How they know? Mia smelt the bag this was the smell she had smelt before ...willow my wolf perked up . ..... male ....

To Mia it smelt like a forest after a rain but to willow it smelt like heaven but she couldn't understand why it smelt so formiliar .

Willow had been dormant for centuries now it was Mia was whole for once. Willow whined to be set free . Mia rose slowly and walked without a word towards the door . Leon called as she reached the door . " be safe don't make that Deputy coming after you again .  Damm Connor James could make a nun give up the robes"Mia laughed fanning myself off at the thought of our new deputy.

Leon blushed bright red his whole body was red.she couldn't waste the day ..she would heal as she changed into a new pair of jeans and hoodie

She had an alpha to find .

Mia shook her head as she walked out the door onto the busy street . She walk ten blocks to the woods on the outskirts of town . Mia looked around for any danger then she let willow take charges . 

This was her first change she had to stay in control. She couldn't let the vampire take over she had not fed in days.So a hunt would suffice for today. She gazed down into a puddle a put white wolf with black tipped ears . Willows ice  blue eyes stared back at her. Tears sprang to her eyes at the thought she would never be blessed with a mate or pups . Vampire can't conceive and she can't turn into lycan form even though she was bite by one. Willow howled at Mia's thoughts.

In a distant she had seen a big black wolf larger that anyone ever seen . He was almost the size of a panther and his reddish black eyes transfixed upon her. There had never been any other ware in this forest in the middle of the day. Willow growled the wolf appoarched slowly til he was inches away. Willow slapped him with her tail playfully and ran off . Nipped at her flank and they started to wrestle .

He mind linked her his voice very dominant within her head I'm Titus..
.. willow
.... mate ?
..... why?
...why no mate?
....vampires can't have mates or young
.... mate

She licked his muzzle and and rubbed against his neck and broke the link . She ran home as fast as she could. As days preceded Mia came into a normal routine . Til one Saturday as they lay in the sun together ...willow I want to see ur human form
... Titus u won't be disappointed
.. ok
Mia ran behind a bush and called out Titus. Drake came out in all his glory . Lycans had no shame when it came to their bodies . You !!!
"I'm suppose to find you come with me ur step mother wants you to come back."mia stated as drakes eyes went from warm gray to black rimmed with red.
Venom dripped from his words cut into her heart and soul...." I reject you " their wolves howled in pain . As he walked  away as if he didn't just kill her on the inside.

Why did drake reject Mia as his mate even though his wolf wants her?
Why he have to be so mean?

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