Chapter 19: rufuS

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Amelia P.O.V

Hello lovely did you miss me

I turned around to find Rufus standing in my door way. Don't call my lovely no I didn't miss you. I gritted out.

You always wanted this boring normalicy . You have done good for yourself completely boring house ,life , and what do I smell you got yourself a pet . Has that mutt touch you like I have? Do you have his pups within you womb?

You do not deserve my response to your questions. Mia  refused to look away i am a Luna. I proudly muttered you will not talk about my mate like that am I understood !  . Willow howled .

Oh so my lovely ,has finally grown up .i see there is darkness still  in there . Mia let the rage out like we use to make these mutts our slaves. The beautiful rage and thirst .. there will once again be rivers of blood . He cooed as he circled her as a predictor would it's prey. Do you feel my blood coursing through your veins. like it once did many centuries ago. 

Those mutts tried to pay me to play doctor and inject you with my incubus blood. It's the only thing that make you fertile ...your dreams of motherhood can be finally fulled at a small price I might add.

My blood could also can sever your mate bond for ever losing your precious mutt. Come to me be my mate we can rule and our offspring will perfection of darkness. My blood went cold at the thought

Keep talking idiot.... drake mind linked me
I'm sorry love for intruding but I felt you distress then I heard his monologue and got intrigued on what the this plan for his blood was .

It's ok damn don't you love when a evil villain monologues the grand skem. I think he is only a pawn in this plan whose behind it all.?

Rufus back handed me sending back into reality . I seen pearl size blood droplet upon my finger as I touched the corner of my mouth. Even if you refuse we will have you chained til the birth of  your offspring.  I could hear foot steps slowly approaching. As Conner came around the corner smirking . Finally Rufus rubbed his hands together.

Wow I wasn't expecting my friend to deceive me why Connor .  It all made since he opened up the alpha's case that was deemed natural due to the way he was found. He was always the first to be on the scenes of any all attackes. He was the one ash seen hanging around her house and office. How she could have been so blind . He had the opportunity to attack Leon and Tyler when they were getting to close. But to what were they close to?

It must be something really important  to kill for.

I growled  you killed Brittany not drake . He laughed clever little hybrid . I knew you would figure it out sooner or later. He smiled and winked but I didn't understand .

Connor mind linked..... don't hold back . Let out the darkness on the count of three

Mia: you deceived me I don't trust you


That's when Connor struck his Bowie knife from his belt sinking into Rufus torso . Fresh blood ... my seduces took over Conner sank back . The door busted off the hinges as my fangs lengthened. I looked into the shocked eyes of my mate Connor restrained drake as I pounced.

You will not regenerate Rufus... I Amelia sophia I looked at drake and he nodded .... quin   The future Luna of the dark moon pack .i condemn you to death . For the thousands of death and deeds you have committed . You are a threat to humanity and to yourself .

As I pounced embracing the darkness upon him ripping him to shredds . His painful screams the last thing he said ... I have done my job embrace it I will always be apart of you.

There was carnage around me . I couldn't look at my mate I became the monster.

Conner let them go Gemini punched In the face . He whiped away blood and looked at them and me. I gazed at Connor as Rufus's blood dripped from my fangs.
I shot a look at drake  the darkness had taken over even willowed cowered in the farther recess of my mind. Conner speak or you next. You betrayed Rufus ..your pack ...and your alpha

Conner looked terrified as he looked for drake 's help. We never talked about the night I bite you!  I bite you to make sure to state that you were under my protection Luna.

I looked confused at drake for clarification I hisssed .

Mia meet my beta Connor and best friend . I couldn't let anyone know of his title or mission .


I am sooorry for these few chapters being so dark and twisted. It goes with the story. Please bear with me .

Tell me if I need to tone it down ?

I'm sorry if I offended anyone but Rufus had to die off.

Lulu greg❤️

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