Chapter:29 meeting my rival

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Confusion swirled as I made my way back to the pack house just in time to change for the festivities. Nothing I tried on looked and felt right . Maybe it was just nerves or it's the searing kiss I just had. I couldn't focus on anything I was on the pervebial auto pilot mode. Going through the actions but not really paying attention to details. I wish Leon was here he would know what to do or what to think at this point.  My alarm went off-signifying that it's time. at the fact that The day had finally come for drake to ascend  the rank of alpha of the dark moon pack

Mia: drake where is the ceremony

Drake: don't come

Mia: ok,if that's what you want

I felt my inside twist and turn at the dismissive text. I went down the stairway I noticed my families attendance . I knew Leon and tyler would-be the only one missing the festivities. Momma coco and jazmine gave my a warm hug . "You look amazing" jazmine complimented me even though I felt awkward. Momma coco took my hands and led me away " why aren't you with your mate it's alpha ceremony?. Where he and the Luna's mating and union is blessed .

He didn't tell me that I confessed

"Oh you ,wAit till I see that boy he is going to get an ear full. Just you wait and see" she fumed. Jazmine looked at me and interceded before momma coco made a scene. She steered her towards the back towards the garden . The corset cut into my sides as I took a deep breathe. The room looked amazing it resembled one of those grand ball in the 18 hundreds . All the guys in tux's or suits and ladies in gowns or dresses.for a grand ceremony everyone in the town would dress up. I looked down at my clinched fist opening it slowly. The gold band still coupon my palm tears brimmed my eyes .threatening to spoil over at moments notice Mia .i miss Connor so much that I'm hearing his voice now.

We all can telepathically speak to each other it's a Lucan thing. Connor explained

I'm hearing things I looked around the room searching for him. Only to come up with nothing as usual.

No I'm just saying you look amazing and I hope you happiness and your union blessed the telepathic connection weakened.

How can you say that just after you just admitted you finally love me !!are you mental?! I mentally screamed

I love you enough to let you go and be happy the connection broke. I slide the ring upon my right ring finger . Tears slide down my face as I gazed at the goldband. How can you say that !!

"What" I heard his voice before I could actually see his face.


"Can I have this dance" Philip asked as the waiter passed with the wine flukes. He handed me one I only nodded and refused. " not much of a drinker ?"he asked

"Allergic" I lied

"Oh the vampire thing I guess" he stated .

By You look amazing tonight ...why?i cut him off before he could say more. With all the unwanted attention already I didn't need more.everyone was already whispering the same question as the music died down a few notches.

The packhouse door opened and the drakes gamma and beta came through first . We would like to announce our new alpha Drake Quinn .the crowd erupted into joyful cheers as he entered the door. Philip clutch my waist tighter wait..

For what

That's when we see another alpha follow behind drake " that's the alpha of the silver moon pack. Behind him is his son and next alpha Rhys and his daughter chyna. I heard when they were teenagers the alpha rejected drake's suit to marry chyna. He whispered as he pulled me closer to dance.

Drake and chyna !!

"Yes. A word of advice; Now that drakes an alpha I would watch your mate closely with that one . She will do anything to get her claws into drake now that he has status and power."Philip let me go " thanks for that"he said loudly.

A sweet smell filled my senses as a short athletic woman dressed in high end designer gown walked in and quickly warmly embraced mama June. I couldn't hear the words that were spoken between them . They both glared at me as the woman tossed back her straight black hair.In all my centuries I had never been self conscious about my willowy figure. Until today as I watched male head turn in her direction.

In that instant as drake's arm wrapped around her waist .He whispering something into her ear that made her giggle. Drake finally acknowledge my presence. For the first time tonight with a head nod. I steel my spine and gracefully walked towards him . the ever growing crowd that surrounded him laughed openly. I then remember what it seemed like years ago instead of months. " I detest crowds and fake people" drake once said. Yet here he was in the middle of the crowd the center of attention. He was reveling in the attention and praise. Chyna openly looked me up and down in disgust.
Chyna this is Mia

Mia this is chyna ...drake introduced us formally . We just stared each other down the air thick with tension.

May the games begin I thought

Lulu greg❤️

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