Chapter 27: finally alpha

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Mia's P.O.V

Willow we must keep it our secret til tonight after we consummate our union as alpha mates. The words felt heavy upon my tongue I knew I didn't sound confident as I hoped. Willow huffed you should be screaming it from the tree tops we're having pups.

Your a melodramatic romantic fool. I said cheekily as she rolled her eyes . I checked my phone no calls or text .even though I just seen him moments ago... nothing. He didn't even talk to me when we were walking here .Drake talked to Philip the whole way as if I were invisible. I wonder what will it be like after tonight. Everyone always says that once completely mated everything changes. I hope for willows sake it. Does.
Everyone in the pack house buzzed around with preparations for the feast that followed the ceremony.time slowly ticked away til drake became the new pack alpha . Anticipation mounted As the pack members scurried around the pack house. I have fought warlocks, incubus , and the occasional psycho in laws. Nothing could prepare me for today . Domestic life in a pack household I shuttered at the thought . I felt instantly awkward at the thought everyone here knew their role within the house . Where did I fit in at ? I thought as I gazed down the stairs. I watched in wonder at their persicision and speed .this was my first alpha ceremony and wouldn't be my last I thought. I rubbed my belly affectionately as they kicked my palm . Next time I see a alpha ceremony it will be yours my sweet boys. My stomach rumbles loudly catching the attention of all the pack members . I awkwardly wince as they all stoop what they were doing and instantly gawked at me. There were no warm welcomes and greeting when I first arrived . Everyone knew that I was the outsider and would never accept me as their future luna. I heard loud whispers as I slowly made my way down the winding stairs. I ignored their venomous statements towards the bustling kitchen . I was never accepted all my existence why should it start now that I mated to an alpha .

The house keeper known as mama June commanded the staff with an iron fist . If she were a general to a vast army preparing for war. She put her hands upon her widened hips glared at me . When I arrived " luna" she spat out through gritted teeth.

Hello mamma June everything smells heavenly in here I complimented her. The compliment fell upon Deaf ears.she turned to Philip as he popped a fresh crescent in his mouth. She slapped his hand as he greedily reached for another roll. "Not in my kitchen"ordering him  to watch me .I don't need a baby sitter I'm not a child" I sarcastically spat. I immaturely rolled my eyes As ma'am June walked away.Philip threw the bred dough onto the wooden chopping board . "Sis,You Know everyone everyone fears you. Don't worry about  them they are just jealous " He said sweetly as he  threw the bread dough .

Where you learn to bake bread aren't you kind of young to know such a trait? I ask as his cheeks reddened. He stammered as he kneeled the bread diligently . " my pop pop owns a bakery in town he taught me "He now worked silently .I took a harder look around now noticing the tension . Most didn't make eye contact others openly glared at me.I steeled my spine I will be a pack memeber I vowed. I changed the subject knowing how painful for him. I don't see why they would be jealous it's not what everyone thinks it is to be a hybrid.

"Really how is it ? "The question flew out of his mouth enthusiastically.he stopped and covered his mouth with his  flowery hands . "Sorry drake  scolds me for being so bubbly at times."

It's fine to ask questions .that's the only way we find out answers my momma coco always said . It's not great as everyone assumes yes it has its up sides like teleportation and super healing.everything is not as it seems that's all I can say . I spoke more to myself than to him he only nodded. Then put out a flour covered hand. He  recoiled his hand then after whipping off the flour . He  put out his  hand once again"I'm Philip, I'm Your soon- to -be beta he  quickly said.I gripped hand as the words sank in. Beta...wait isn't Connor drake's appointed beta. What's going on ?!I asked out loud. Talking about that I haven't seen that Boy Scout .since the day following the overthrowing of  James and The Luna. He scanned my face " oh,you didn't know that Connor rejected the position of beta . My brother says ... That's before Connor left for two month leave there were an altercation . A huge fight broke out between the two over reasons unknown. What I heard it's over a woman .. wink wink he  playfully elbowed me. I ruffled his hair affectionally As he started smiling at my gesture.he is like the little brother I never had . I actually laughed at his playful antics . I'm sorry Phil  I have to make a call . He  nodded  his  head and waved-good bye. He  got back to kneading the bread his red hair falling into his face . I pulled out my phone and called Connor it felt like years since I heard his voice. My palms grew sweaty and my pulse raced as I heard the phone pick up.

"Hello"his muffled voice came upon The phone . Either he just woke up or he was drinking or both . I couldn't determine at this point . I heard rustling of sounded like clothing of some sort.

Connor where are you? I nearly screamed as I whipped off excess flour from my hands.

"I can't tell you that it's none of your business ."He snapped "I'm sorry for everything I never wanted to lie to you . Mia ,all I want you to be happy .. be happy"Is all he aid as he abruptly hung up the phone . I fumed for what seemed like a hour .all I wanted for you to be happy also Connor I whispered .

Lulu greg❤️

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