Chapter three : The reveal

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A/N : this is solely on my imagination please don't replicate or anything to that extent. Let your own imaination create your own . I can't wait to read . if I have offended anyone I am sorry. 

Amelia P.O.V

"I see you have the honor of meeting the Luna "Mia said making quotations with her fingers

Tyler scoffed " She's been sending me a lot of business lately .This has never been this bad but since the alphas death . She been on a war path and taking it out on anyone or anything in her path. " Mia took out her handy dandy purple notebook and wrote that down. Tyler's eyes zone in her notebook . " don't you tell me you took the case and looking for Drake  fucking Quin are you crazy Amelia Sophia la Fleur ?"

Don't play with that family they got some screw  loose. The Luna is the craziest , heard she killed the alpha herself in bed of all places. I heard from Connor she quarter him after .. he cleared his throat .. umm .

Come on tyler you can say sex. I'm a grown ass woman I have heard ,said and seen worst in my line of work .

He grabbed his ears " my ears are burning what I told you I don't want to hear about that. Your my sister!"

"Tyler you know I can't turn down a case " Mia whispered.

Tyler's voiced raise "Leah,you know there dangerous . Remember the last time you went on there land .

Amelia (past memories) P.O.V

She went before the vampire council the silver cuffs burning into her Sensitive flesh. She knew her transgressions would be her ultimate death. She didn't care her sire ...her maker ...had to die. She didn't feel no remorse towards her decision . Victor was a monster that no one could stop . Only his blood connection could sense his location. He was Turning innocent humans into mindless soldiers . He was gonna unleash his army onto the world . He had to be stopped.
Now before the council of vampires the honorable Mr. Valance spoke up. It has come to our attention you have slautered ur maker victor .
"Yes " Mia lowered her head as the silver pressed harder into her wrists.
" you know you should be put to death for this but you will only be banished from our coven and given as a peace gift to the lycan council . Mia screamed she knew that she would be a slave to the lycans or worse. Her so called people turned their backs upon her . She did Their bidding only to be cast out . "You are dismissed u will be killed if u ever return to this coven or land " .
The guards tied her up and threw her into a black sedan . Drove what seems days and dumped her onto the hard grown. The guards laughed " run... the alpha has a head start and he's tracking you as we speak . The tires squealed as they drove away. Their cruel words sank in Mia took off running. Hands still in silver cuffs she could defend herself against a full grown alpha . So she did what she could ran like the devil was after her. He was .., a angry howl Peirced the silence . Her blood ran cold as a wild blood thirsty beast pounced upon her. His hot breath upon her face drool dropped from its chops. He growled" intruder"
"Lies ...all lies"he scratched her side with sharp claws. He sniffed her neck his eyes changed from red to cold black ."introsting little vampire. He will like you indeed. Just one problem". His eyes were once red as he bite into her shoulder .Mia's bones crushed under his immense canines . Her Blood smeared he's muzzle as he spoke "wake up anew we have been waiting a long time for you little vampire". Cold darkness assended Mia last thought was Carmen was safe.

Amelia (present) p.o.v
Mia shuttered at the memory tyler was right. She could never go back but she had no choice. " I leave at dawn for the dark moon pack land west of here. " she tried to should confident she gave a brooding Tyler a hug. " I will be safe plus I have Leon .my very own Chameleon ninja that has my back".

Tyler curiously glared at Leon " chameleon shift "
"Yes " Leon purred at Tyler. "Any color you want ".
" ok guys this is ... its time to go bye Tyler " Mia exclaimed.The silence continued as the left Tyler's work shop.
Mia pulled Leon's arm to stop him " what was that back there between you too ?"
Leon pulled down his jacket sleeve. This is his nervous tendency when put on the spot.
" he ... is.. my .." he stuttered.
" Your what?" Mia asked

A/N :
Cliffhanger ..,
Sorry had to. Guess what Leon is gonna say that Tyler is ?

Are y'all like the story so far
What you think will happen when they arrive at the pack house?
Love all of y'all please tell me if this s$&@s . Lulu greg❤️💋

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