Chapter two: Tyler

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You didn't meet him yet but he's the best big brother you will ever want-Mia

Amelia P.O.V

She had a case to crack and a chair to mend what better than to go see her brother Tyler . He could help her with both of her Delmas . Tyler the only carpenter in town. Just like a hairdresser in a salon ...people talk . Tyler has that easy going personality that drawers people in.If you wanted information he would know especially if the subject is drake quin.

The morning sun beamed into Mia's eyes instantly blinding her. Even after centuries after her rebirth as a vampire . The suns ray still made her eyes water involuntarily . She donned on her cute Ray Ban sunglasses. Leon got her last Christmas she loved his thoughtful gift.

"Come on big baby ,I will get you breakfast if u stop whining about how early it is. " Mia nugged Leon lovingly.

"better involved waffles" Leon whined like a three year old. " where we are going anyway"

" you haven't met him  but my brother tyler he's my informant when we get missing people. Mia beamed at Leon. And he is also a carpenter.

He stuck out his tongue as a seven year old would. " Cheater !I always wondered how you always knew where to find them. Now I know ur secret weapon".

"Your so immature Leon but I love you anyway " Mia held out the door for him as he adjusted his blue suit. " it smells like lumber and sweat"he murmured . The show room was filled with finished pieces from chairs to armoires .Tyler had talent for wood working his passion showed in each one of his pieces. We wound through the showroom  to the work shop itself "where the magic happens"as he called it.

Tyler put down his chainsaw there was wood chips clung to his form fitting flannel shirt , bald head , full groomed beard , soft Timber colored eyes. "Leah" as he rush towards me picking me up and spinning me. I laughed "Ty, put me down ." He finally put me down and ruffled my hair .as he always done since we were kids.

"So what brings u here Leah ? Mom says that she's cooking dinner on Sunday and she wants you there."
I smile at him we always ate dinner together on sundays. It's the only thing I look forward to each week. Not too many shifter want to date a hybrid so I had limited dates . I know I need to get out more but it works for me.

" Sure , you know I can't miss Sunday's at I need a favor ?

Who I need to beat for you?tyler cracked his knuckles in emphasis . Leon's eyes lite up instantly.

no.. I need a chair for phoebe hers got demolished yesterday. "

Tyler laughed " let me guess u had too many doughnuts again and u broke it. "

That chair was already broke before I sat down ,Tyler, and u know it. Don't you dare tell this story. Leon doesn't have time for this huh Leon" pointing a stare at him for back up.

Leon greatest  weakness was gossip the juicier the better in his opinion. " no, go on tyler I have all day"

Tyler went into the embarrassing details of the event. Tears streamed down Leon's face clutching his side as he whiped away the tears. Did you really have to tell the story .

"Yep it's my job as a big brother to embarrass my little sister every chance I get "tyler rubbed his smooth head .

I'm sorry for not introducing you earlier. I was  being rude Leon .

This my adopted big brother Tyler . "

Leon put out his hand towards Tyler there palms met there eyes widen . Hi I'm Leon as he gazed at each other . They didn't let go for a long while . The moment was disrupted by two small unicorns plowing into Tyler. Uncle ty !!!!... they squealed in unison. They transformed before our eyes two brown haired cherub faced little girls clung to his legs.
Piper and Penelope .,,what are u doing here? He cooed two the tiny girls . Grammy let us come see you. They squealed again Taunty Mia!!!! As they attached he legs with blinding speed.
"Leon these are my nieces princess pea and pip. They are my sister Carmen's daughter they are vamp/unicorn . Marco ,Carmen's husband, is a unicorn he can change to man form whenever he desires. They are the cutest what little girl doesn't want to be a unicorn."

"Did you bring us anything taunty" they pleaded with big puppy dog eyes. "Of course I do " Mia reached behind her back and pulled out a bag .there favorite doughnuts with pink and purple sprinkles. There squealed and ran towards the house to show Grammy there prize.

Tyler rubbed the back of his neck "let's get back to what happened to the chair let me guess.... the Luna rampage again.

Sorry so long I got taken away with their family dynamics .they are so cute ..,

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Any feed back will be appreciated thank you for taking time to read.
.lulu greg❤️

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