chapter :30. surprise

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Mia's P.O.V

damn you drake for leaving the party early .leaving me to clean after the party with your brother and mamma June who still hates my guts I said under my breath

After a whole Night of continuously dancing and hosting the ceremony. My face slowly aches from smiling throughout the long night. I pulled off my staple sexy heels .even though they Made my legs look endless they hurt my feet. I pulled my hair free from the constricting hair tie. My straight blonde hair cascaded down my back I sighed happily. This night we have been working hard for finally finished . I threw my bag down on the floor after growling as I trudged slowly up the stairs .every single weary  bone ached as I moved up the stairs. I heard lots of moaning and feminine giggles as I walked down the hall. As I pushed open drake's bedroom door slowly. I pushed open my room to a sight I never imagined.I shouldn't have been surprised to see my mate in his glory having a indiscretion .with none other than chyna ,the silver moon pack ,alpha's daughter .In the bed we were to share of all places . The bastard doesn't even try to talk about  his innocence. He turned towards me with a cocky smirk as he button up his pants . knowing Full well  I just caught him with literally his pants down. At this point most women would be trying to conserve their mordesty but not her . Shifter in general are proud of the sexuality . In chyna's case she was flaunting her body for all to see. She smiled as she rose from the bed and put her hands upon her hips .I cant handle this .. drake Quinn I reject you as my mate"the most heart piercing sentence came forth out of his mouth. He started uncontrollably laughing holding his side.  The my sentence was the most hilarious thing he ever heard. "You heard her she. Rejects me .. mia no I reject you .with your needy and smothering ways.thats why everyone you know would rather die than put up with you." Drake snapped"

"Well you look surprised... I thought you figured  out at the beginning that this isn't a love match.think about it with the few brain cells you have in that empty head. I never dated you , be romantic, and or anything that normal mates do."drake went in for the kill so to speak. to think about it Connors had shown me more love and affection than drake ever had.I gazed around the sparsely decorated room. Pictures in the frames were of drake and chyna smiling and kissing. Slowly realization of his words were true. I had no place in my mates life. Drake never took the initiative to actually make this work.deep down I had hoped wh
at Zander said it wasnt true . I got my pack and I don't need you anymore. I never would have done it without your talents and,I will never be faithful to someone I loathe. I just wanted the alpha position never you". His harsh words tore my heart to shreds .

I didn't want to say it like this but I have no choice ....Drake I'm pregnant

They both laughed as angry tears spoiled forth " it's not mine slept with my traitorous brother."

Never I countered

"You did"he screamed now loosing his temper "we never slept together....think about it the time doesn't match up with the time frame idiot"he snapped "Leon lied shifter Carried six monthsWithin the womb".

I'm huge ..That's because I'm having Twin boys, asshat I ...never mind I don't have time for this nonsense. you deserve each other .I hope your happy together as I picked up my bag and walked out the door .

"We will be once your out of the picture"chyna evilly said called out behind me

Hearing him actually say those words made the situation worse. The ultimate walk  of shame I thought   I finally made my way towards the front door to be stopped by momma June blocking the door. That's when all the pieces  of the puzzle came together within my mind. Every recent event of the last few months have been tied to.... mama June .

This has been all of your doing....You called the alpha of the silver moon pack when you heard drake would be alpha. You orchestrated this whole this whole thing . Your a master mind truth be told .It's Ingenious plan get James to kill off the alpha . Talk drake to over throw James and the luna. Make Brittany and Zander psycho with unbridled jealousy.  Use Connor's Golden heart to get me out of the way. Push the Gemini twins apart so you can easily manipulated their choices. Finally,make   drake alpha and he finally gets what he always wanted. the silver moon alpha's daughter as a mate. The only thing is what in it for you?i ask out loud .as She wickedly smiled why are you so evil and mess with everyone's life.

Everyone says your an idiotI now see why connor adores you . Finally you figure out that I have ulterior motive for all of this... mama June smiles as her weather face slowly  morphs . Before my own eyes From an older woman to a gorgeous young woman.

Who are you better yet what are you? I ask she drops her apron . She is now dresses in a light filmy gown spun of silk . She was draped in golden robe . Her pale white hair so fair stood out Against her golden skin .  She had fine jewels woven throughout her hair . She had an unearthly presence as her silver eyes glowed. She walked toward me with the grace and poise of a dancer. She gliders across the floor that's when I noticed her dainty feet didn't touch the ground.

"Everything will soon revealed my child til then be prepared for my wrath."She said as she disappeared into a golden sparkly dust cloud. After her departure a sweet smell of fresh raisin carried thought out the large dinning room. I instantly teleported to the only safe place I could think of . My office became my safe haven all these long months. After I sold my house this place became my home.

Since this one didn't do as well as I have liked it to . I don't know if I'm gonna write a sequeal. But I will give you a sneak peak any way cause I can. It's ok if this is not gonna be read
Lulu greg❤️

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