Chapter: 2

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Mia's P.o.v
What ??!i asked as he just gawked at me not listening to what I had just said moments ago . His eyes were transfixed upon my ever growing midsection .

Your.....umm..Mia your ... He stammered

Yes I know as big enough to have my own zip code I joked as I rubbed my belly lovingly. my unfunny jokes only made the air fill with more tension. "Beautiful ... I mean are always beautiful but your going to be a mom!" Thankfully he didn't ask the obvious question who is the father?  considering I had a non existent mate at this moment. All obvious signs point to him regardless of my feeling towards drake .We only slept together once and my lucks month later  I got the consequences.

Every man's kryptonite asking a woman an emotionally laced question. Knowing the answer will result in the female bursting into tears.he nervously bit his lip and fidgeted with his hair . "Why didn't you tell me of all people come on Mia I'm.. me ...I'm Connor...I'm your friend for god sakes!"he said awkwardly choked out as emotion swirled within his deep brown eyes.

"What so a white Knight could come upon  his valiant steed and rescue me. Come on Connor where adults that shit doesn't happen expecially happen to me"  i snapped as his features hardened and his fist curled white . "Mia" he whispered as I looked away I seen what I dreaded ..pain. I instinctively looked down a my old worn thin night gown that billowed around me.

Why are you here officer Drake ? I abruptly Stopped his line of questioning before he got to the sensitive issue... of my ex.mate .He raked his hands through his thick golden locks .he had done this countless of times I watched as he started to pace. I knew the cogs within his glorious mind were working filling in the unknown blanks. The blanks I dare not speak about especially to him . Just after he declared us newly in" the friend Zone!"after all our history of pain and redemption. He has always stayed by my side . Never asking for anything in return just my trust and friendship. I turned away from him walking the the open window gazing. For one in weeks I had no cares as the cool breeze caressed my heated skin. I felt his presence even before he made a sound . His nearness heightened my senses a fraction.

Now the reality set in self conscious of my attire and lack there of. My gown resembled a circus tent hiding my now swollen midsection .Since, I became pregnant nothing I owned felt comfortable. especially enduring the  sweltering Louisiana nights .

sadly the thought I had no mate anymore .only spurred my decision to wear comfortable attire .so,I didn't worry about how I looked in My pale yellow night gown now stained crimson and muddy feet  .connor's eyes widened not from the sight of my blood soaked attire but in the moon light. as I became unfortunately aware that my gown went somewhat translucent. I was unknowingly giving  him a peep show but always the gentleman he didn't make eye contact. I groaned after all these months I was starting to be immune to the instant dislike of my ever growing form. why would be Connor any different he was a red blooded male ? Come on even my baby daddy jumped ship at the first chance he got .  The next words that he said sent my fragile world up side down.

After a long pause of calming breaths he finally spoke through clinched teeth. "I came to check on"

Why I have always been a prize to be won I spat out Zander's venomous words. Trying to fight off the feelings that I Had always suppressed .

I can't tell him my secret.

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