Chapter 8: drake's decission part one

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A/n: this chapter /content is inappropriate for young readers sorry

Amelia P .O.V

Between the heat,pain, and now strange looks from the guards . She prayed to the moon goddess that Gemini would arrive soon. I was taken back when I first seen Gemini in pink shorts and sparkley tank top . Her dark black hair pulled into a messy bun and rabbit slippers. She favored he brother a but her eyes were warm honey . She growled as she approached her eye went cold black rimmed with as she had seen drake's had done. She knew she had seen those eyes before .

Then everything clicked into place this forest that night she was turned to lycan. He was the monster that alpha who changed her  Gemini's father . All her senses told her to run willow growled as she backed away. I took off running when all hell broke loose . I didn't care I don't belong there . I have no family I should have never come here to begin with. 

Tears streamed down her face Mia dropped to her knees as another wave wreaked her body. The foot steps came closer she ran pleading for willow's help. When her wolf decided to make her presence known . It was too late she was already pinned to the mossy damp soil. Not again she wasn't going down without a fight. Then the smell hit her as she looked into bright honey eyes of Gemini. She should have shown her belly or neck . To submit to the dominance of the Luna . Deep breaths and silently mouthing her matra .

I stared her down .. her eyes widen gemini began to laugh . Her laughter was contagious  soon we were laughing on the cold soil like complete loons.  She swiped her tear and blood from her face.  "I can see why he loves you !Girl ,ur gonna keep him on his toes !I already love you. "

I didn't understand what she ment .she must be going crazy like her brother ,confusing family.another wave hit even harder than before Mia shook and curled into the fetal position . Gemini took out her phone and called drake

Drake and Gemini phone conversation:

Gemini swore a few colorful words before he finally answered .
Gemini:drake  what took you so long ?

Drake:what's  it's one in the morning what is the emergency? it better be one or so god help me I will tan ur hide when I see you. 

Gemini:calm down grouchy it is an emergency : I got an unmated  female that is in heat and I had to take down three of our finest males that were affected by her sent. She's in bad shape she needs her  mate.

Drake:ok then get her mate why call me ?
Gemini .., hello ?

Gemini:drake it's Amelia la Fleur 

Drake: who?

Gemini:ur mate ,duh

drake: I don't have a mate ,Titus chose someone that is unacceptable.
To be continued.....,

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